Chapter 74.)

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        It was March 22nd and King was in Dr. Rye's office trying to get clarity on a few things.

        "She is indeed schizophrenic, she suffers from severe bipolar disorder and extreme depression... I'm almost scared to even say that. She's been battling these for how long?" Dr. Rye asked King after reading the files Dr. Smith and Janine faxed to her early this morning.

        King has been in contact with them since he got back to Jamaica and they were sure to keep him updated on their studies of Renae's results. Last night they called him to inform of her Renae's disorders heightening due to the shock therapy and the misoprostol. It's a common drug that's prescribed for women who suffered a miscarriage along with other medications to help with the cramps and bleeding but with Renae's history of miscarrying once before, the dosage of that drug only made thing worse for her body.

That was another thing that made King want to send some shooters to Dr. Garner because in his eyes she should have known better. It was already bad that she suggested the treatment and ended up making things worse and now to find out that she gave Renae a high dosage of a drug that was already in her system before? He was livid.

"Her being schizophrenic... is dis like a lifelong thing?" He asked.

"To be honest with you, that all depends. If the illness is left untreated, then it can cause extreme physical, emotional, and behavioral problems... things that you are basically witnessing now. It can and will affect her life... if it isn't treated, she'll suffer depression but that's already there. Hallucinations... trouble sleeping, phobias, constant suicidal thoughts, she'll become even more aggressive... it's a lot Kingston," she explained and he sighed.

"What can I actually do or should do to keep her episodes to a minimum?"

"I know I ordered her to bed rest, but maybe try to have her walk around the house for about ten minutes just to get her blood flowing. Keep an eye on her sugar intake, that's also a problem. I'm against prescribing medications for this specific reason, but most people who suffer from this illness like to self-medicate. Sometimes with drugs, sometimes with alcohol and most times by doing other things... like self-harming,"

"So us being separated is basically a no go?" He said and she nodded.

"But I'm not sure how bad things are. You said your presence for some reason triggers her anger... but her being alone with her thoughts... it'll only make things harder Kingston," she told him.

"I suggested tha' break but she actually enforced it, how tha' hell am I supposed to break it?"

Laughing, she removed her glasses and stared at him. "You guys are married Kingston... make love... crack jokes... technically there's no such thing as a break. There's a such thing as being upset with one another and sleeping in separate rooms, but a break? That's funny,"

Chuckling, he nodded in agreement. She did have a point and he was mad at himself for even suggesting a break.

"Is it space that you're wanting tho? Maybe that's what she meant,"

"At first, yeah. But not anymore, she thinks I need it but it just doesn't feel right," he admitted.

"Are you guys talking or are you kinda avoiding her? You seem like the type to be petty like that once your feeling got hurt," she laughed and he stared at her for a moment then laughed.

"Maybe I am... but in my defense, she told me to take dis time for myself,"

"Oh my God!" She laughed grabbing her clipboard and pager.

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