Chapter 63.)

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        It was December 19th, Renae and King ended up being an hour late for their therapy session and their therapist went as far as canceling the session altogether until King begged her not to and had to convince her that it was his fault.

The hickeys covering his neck gave her the reasoning behind the two being late anyway but she wasn't there to waste time and she made sure they knew that. Tish was disappointed because she was the one that recommended her for them since she couldn't travel.

Renae did apologize and so did King, they've been managing their time better and have been trying their best to be intimate when they didn't have important things do.

"Good morning," Julie their therapist greeted as she opened her office door.

"Good morning," Renae smiled stepping inside with King right behind her.

"Morning," He replied following Renae towards the 'safe bed' and climbed in behind her.

"How are you two this morning? You look refreshed," she smiled laying on the sofa bed in front of them.

Smirking, King cleared his throat when Renae nudged him and Julie laughed.

"Where do you guys want to continue? With Egypt's death or childhood traumas?"

"We left off on tha childhood traumas, I think we should start there," King answered and Renae nodded.

Flipping through her notes, Julie read them over briefly then nodded

"You stopped at the part where you told me you started cutting at eight.... you were so young, how did that even come to your young mind?" She asked.

"I saw a commercial about it believe it or not,"

        "A commercial about slitting your wrists?"

        "Suicide and self-harming, different ways people kill themselves. How people cope with their feelings... stuff like that," Renae clarified.

        "I never knew dat," King cut in.

        "Which is why you two are here," Julie stated.

        "So you saw the commercial and decided to cut?"

        "Basically," Renae responded.

        Nodding, Julie jotted down a few things down.

        Glancing up briefly, she looked back down at her notes then opened Renae's journal.

        "There was a point in my life where I had to choose between my brother or the pills... it was then that I realized I had a problem," Julie read a small excerpt from the journal then stared at Renae.

         "What did you mean by that?"

        "It was either Dajon... which meant to live or death.... the pills. I chose my brother," she answered and Julie removed her glasses and sat up.

        "You knew what you were doing was wrong yet you also had the proper knowledge to realize how your absence would impact your little brother?"

        "Correct," Renae nodded.

        "So you chose life because of him but even after, you were still suffering inside which was why you continued on cutting?"

"Yeah.... when you put it like that," Renae mumbled.

"When did you actually stop?" She asked.

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