Chapter 64.)

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        It was January first, also the twins birthday. There wasn't anything big going on besides some classmates from the twins school being there, some of their parents, they had a face painter there and a minibar set up for the adults. Christmas was a blessing for everyone, everyone got more than what they expected, instead of getting a puppy, King bought the girls a hamster to take care of just so he could see if they were responsible enough to handle an actual pet.

The plan was for the adults to just focus on the kids like last year, but it seemed that everyone went out and got gifts for each other unbeknownst. Renae gifted King two antique car collectibles. When she found out from Karen that that was something he and his father used to do, Renae spent the entire month of November searching for the specific cars King and his dad used to collect but only managed to come across two out of the six.

That definitely caught King off guard, but he came back for the win by gifting her Egypt's birthstone and an updated version of his will. Of course, he gave her that when they were alone because he wasn't sure how she would react, and instead of ripping it up, this time she kept it and stored it inside her lockbox. He also gifted her a blown-up copy of a family portrait that some undiscovered artist he met on Instagram did.

In the portrait, King and the twins were dressed in all white holding blue Forget-Me-Not flowers. Ava was painted sitting in the grass with Kairo as she smiled at blue butterflies and in the background was a faded sketch of their daughter they lost as doves flew over their heads. The entire thing made not only Renae emotional but Karen and Ary. Since Yanna already got a preview of it since she helped King put his visions together she was just happy to see her best friend enjoying it.

To top that off, King also gifted Renae with a blueprint of a two-story walk-in closet that would be added into their room next month and she went all crazy. He honestly didn't understand the point of her wanting a two-story closet but ever since she's been watching her reality shows, she's been getting all kinds of ideas from it and King being King, only wanted to give her what she wanted with no complaints.

"Look at him, he wants to fight everyone," Yanna laughed as she watched Kairo side-eye the twins classmate as she placed shrimp on her plate.

"He doesn't like strangers whatsoever," Renae giggled sitting down with her food.

"Do you think he'll grow out of that when he gets older?"

"Porsha thinks he'll be one of those kids that only talk to family and that's it... I hope it's not true," Renae admitted and Yanna pouted.

"How are his tests coming along?"

"I'm not sure, to keep myself from getting riled up about things going bad I asked her not to mention anything to me only King," she answered.

"Don't want to know if he'll be partially deaf or not?" Yanna quizzed and Renae shook her head.

"Not really, I get emotional about stuff like that because it reminds of the things that led up to his situation,"

"You can't blame yourself for your mom's crazy-ass ex having ties with people like Arlina's ass... and you can't blame yourself for losing your memory, you were drugged,"

"Yeah... anyway, the wedding is in two months. Are you excited?" Renae asked wanting to change the subject.

"Well..." Yanna trailed and Renae rose a brow.

"It's actually in April now,"

"What?" Renae frowned putting her fork down and leaned forward.

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