Chapter 4.) Dajon

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               "What in the world is this?" Dajon asked walking into the living room eating a bowl of fruity pebbles. It's been 3 days since the incident and Eve has been stressing about it ever since Dajon told her about it.

       "It's a documentary series on Netflix called Rotten, this one is about the truth behind honey not really being honey, Lawyers and Guns,"

        Dajon furrowed his brows and stared at the TV, he was into conspiracies because of Renae but this show that Eve was watching looked to be interesting as well.

        "So what they mean, the honey we buy from the stores ain't really honey?" He asked before stuffing cereal into his mouth.

        "They call it 'honey adulteration'," she replied then turned the volume up when they guy began explaining.

        The dilution of honey with cheap syrups is the main and more massive way to adulterate honey. Ten to twenty years ago, syrups that came from corn or sugarcanes were mostly used to adulterate honey.

        As the man kept speaking, Dajon took a seat on the chair arm and listened as he continued to eat his cereal while Eve sat there jotting notes; something she did to spark up conversations with her mom regarding foods.

        "Hold up," Dajon chuckled. "So the Chinese finessed us out of our own game? Yo, this why I love their asses, finesse the finesser,"

        Eve laughed at his antics because he found it comical how the U.S. tried to implement added ingredients into something that's supposed to be 'pure' only to turn around and run low on it and have to buy it from a third party.

        In 2001, the US Government declared that Chinese producers were unfairly "dumping" honey on the US market.

        Dajon paused the tv and frowned, "So they got mad cuz they were selling shit at a lower price than them? Honey is got damn two to four dollars and some change out here, that shit should be no more than a dollar and thirty cents. I'ma pay two-fifty to four-thirty-five for a little ass bottle when I can learn how to make that shit for free? See... this what my sister be talking about, folks so damn money hungry,"

        Laughing to herself, Eve waited on him to hit play so she could finish taking her notes.

        The Government actually put a huge tariff on Chinese honey... in other words, it meant for us to triple the price if it came from China.

        "See, this is why they can't stand us now," Dajon shook his head as he paused the tv yet again and Eve tilted her head and stared at him.

        "Babe... I'm trying to learn," she laughed.

        "My fault, you know how I get," He chuckled hitting play and went back to eating his cereal.

        They finished watching the first episode without Dajon interrupting as much and Eve was able to get as much notes written as she needed. They watched another episode about peanut allergies then watched another episode about Garlic before they decided to put a pause on things.

          "Did you see that your sister's dance class won first place at the state competition yesterday?" Eve asked as she stood on the step stool to wash Dajon's hair.

        "Yeah, she was happy but sad because she couldn't be there, I swear with each pregnancy she's becomes more emotional," he laughed.

        "I honestly think so too, I feel like a lot of what she eats and does plays a role in it or maybe she's just sensitive," she replied picking up the pick.

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