Chapter 27.) Privileged vs Color

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"I see you decided to breastfeed," Karen said glancing over at Renae as she fed Kairo.

"King kept saying I should, I was pumping and feeding him through the bottle at first,"

"I think you should've breastfed all of dem, I never did like their proceed formula, it's not natural especially when a baby came from their mother. Just like I hate cow milk, it's for cows, I only drink Almond Milk and Coconut Milk," Karen said as she placed the plate of food down in front of Renae.

"I only drink two percent milk on occasion but mainly Almond Milk, it's the only one King lets the girls drink,"

"As he should," Karen laughed sitting across from her.

"Has he gotten used to sleeping during the night yet?" She asked adding jam to her biscuits.

"Oh my goodness, no," Renae pouted then looked down at Kairo.

"I put him down for bed right after we put the girls to bed and he'll wake up at two as if it's a routine and will stay up playing with his lullaby wheel. King sits up with him now and puts Between the Lions on until he falls asleep. He'll be up until six in the morning and then goes to sleep at eight, wake back up and I'll feed and change him, play with him and then he falls back asleep at eleven and sleeps until two,"

"I'll tell you a secret I did with King because he was tha' same way. The doctors back den barely knew anything and thought something was wrong with him but he just liked night time, it was more peaceful for him and that's when he and his father bonded the most. King would sit right in his arms with his bottle and Micah would be eating whatever fruit he craved dat night while watching tha' marathon of Family Matters and Good Times. He never liked for King to watch cartoons as a baby he felt like that was the easiest way for spirits to corrupt a child's mind. Don't ask me why, he just always felt dat way, and only allowed him to watch black family sitcoms. But anyway, what I started doing was keeping him up during tha' day even when he did try to go to sleep, dat way come nightfall he'd be tired. It took me three weeks to succeed but it worked,"

Renae stared down at Kairo for a moment and smiled, "I think I'll try that,"

"It'll work, he'll be cranky for a while because he won't be able to nap but once dat pattern gets drilled into his head he'll be fine," she assured her then began eating.

Renae pondered on the thought for a moment then nodded picking up her fork.

"Ava told me tha' twins spend more time with her ever since K.J. got here, is dat true?"

"Yeah, it's weird but I try not to say anything. I guess they didn't feel like she was... up to par? I guess for them. I told you all those twins of mine are something else, y'all ain't wanna listen, got my baby feeling left out," Renae said then giggled shaking her head.

"Do they fight?"

"Oh no, definitely not. They may fuss here and there but it's over simple things like juice or cookies. King made it clear dat they were to only fight outsiders and to protect each other, Reign definitely lives by that code," Renae smiled.

"She still a Daddy girl or is it Kaari dis time?"

"All of them now. I get maybe sixty-five percent of what they give King, but I'm ok with that, they actually talk to me more. It's crazy how much I realized I wasn't so good then as I am now and they even noticed it,"

"I don't think that's tha' case. You were still learning. King has an old soul already, so he, of course, was already wiser than you, you just needed time to get there on your own terms and you got there, don't feel bad," Karen replied as Renae burped Kairo.

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