Chapter 39.) Four days later...

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To some, it's been a good year so far but to others, things just couldn't seem to go right whatsoever.

Do you ever feel as if you're constantly trying your best but always getting the short end of the stick?

Ever felt as if God was really laughing at your failures rather than helping you?

It's not a good thing to assume or even dwell on it but as of lately, Ary couldn't find her strength to do anything. Her world came crashing down at 4 in the morning four days ago.

Words that she never thought she would hear were echoing constantly. It was a pain like no other, words she wished would've faded in the distance but they were as loud as could be.

She felt as if the air had been sucked out of her body and replaced with cotton.

Her mind was all over the place, darkness was the only thing she could see and the only thing that seemed to be of a friend at this terrible moment.

The sunlight was an enemy of hers as of late and laughter was its helper.

Pain... that was her only friend alongside anger and heartache.

In a moment where she should have been surrounded by love, she was left with a simple phone call.

Nobody took the time to ask if she would be ok, they didn't care and it hurt her... broke her spirit and snapped her heart in two.

Darkness... that was her only friend, it's the only thing that she felt related to at this moment.

No other feeling could amount to the pain that she felt inside, the constant pressure against her brain, the only thing she could sketch was a black hole because that's what she felt as if she stepped through.

The very sight of her reflection scared her... she was afraid to see what she's been hiding behind her mask.

She laid restless at night as she drowned herself in tears and muffled screams, she was becoming weaker by the hour and the more she replayed the phone call the heavier her heart became.

The corner became her best friend as her tears created a halo around her frame while she tried to shut out the voices spewing her deepest insecurities.

She didn't trust herself, she wasn't sure who she was anymore, that left four days ago along with the cheerful soul she once had.

        As a kid, darkness was always an enemy of hers but this go-round it was her best friend, that only thing that kept her body afloat.

        Suicide was never one of her choices but Lord knows that's been an option of hers that she tried so hard to steer clear from.

The constant knocking on her door sounded as if someone was assaulting her skull with a sledgehammer. It mimicked the pounding of a terrible hangover except it was 100 times worse.

It almost didn't feel real until the doorbell rang.

Wiping her face, she looked around her dull, messy living room and slowly rose to her feet.

Trying to straighten her gown, she wiped her face and headed towards her front door.

"Dajon.... hi... I um... hey.... didn't know you were coming here," Ary spoke softly as she rubbed at her red eyes and stepped back as she avoided his gaze.

Dajon studied her body language for a moment then narrowed his brows and stepped further into her apartment.

"What's wrong Ary?"

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