Chapter 56.)

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        It was 2:50 the next morning, King had to be up in a few minutes but Renae's constant vomiting woke him before his alarm could.

        Turning over in bed, he reached over and cut the lamp on and laid there for a moment to gather himself. They had fallen asleep after going a few rounds by 10:30 but he was starting to feel the aftermath of pushing his limits.

        Listening as the water ran, he placed his arm over his eyes and attempted to go back to sleep even though he had only 6 minutes left before his alarm went off.

        I'm off tomorrow... I'm off tomorrow. Get up King, he told himself repeatedly as he felt his body shutting down.

He was tired as hell and trying his hardest to fight it.

        "Uh-oh... did I wake you?" Renae pouted sitting next to him and played in his hair.

        "It's fine, I had to get up anyway baybeh," he assured pulling her on top of him and rubbed her back.

        "Is Kwan picking you up today or no?"

         "I'm driving myself today," he mumbled practically asleep and she laughed sitting up.

        "Get up babeee," she giggled shaking him.

        "I'm up," he chuckled running his hands down his face then sighed.

       "No more late nights for you," she teased following him into the bathroom and sat on the side of the tub as she ran the water for him.

        "I can handle it, just went a lil overboard," he replied and she smirked.

        "We have that in common," she said and he laughed stepping into the shower while she sat on the sink as usual.

        "You know what I was thinking about the other day?" She inquired as she swung her legs like a little kid on the playground.

        "What's dat?"

        "Do you think my dad and Lucy stopped messing around because D.J and Eve were having problems?"

        Standing under the water, King thought on that for a moment, that did seem as if that's what happened.

        "I think so... or maybe they just caught an Epiphany and realized they were doing it dirty," he answered and she nodded.

        Pursing her lips, her brows dipped and she stared at the tiles briefly as she tried to calculate something.

        "You're quiet.... what you over there over analyzing?" He chuckled and she laughed softly.

        "It's kinda weird that D.J and Eve were together for long and he's never proposed. He's never brought it up to me and when I did ask him about marrying her three years ago he ignored the question.... but...." squinting her eyes, she folded her arms and hummed.

        Chuckling, King slid the shower door open some and stared at her with a raised brow. he knew she was about to get into her private detective mode and he was ready for it.

Five... four... three.... tw— he counted down in his head right before she began speaking.

        "He met Ary in January.... they've only been together for like what? Seven.... maybe eight and a half months... he came to me about wanting to marry her in June..... so...." she trailed off and tapped her chin.

        "I think Eve did some evil shit and he's keeping it from us. I know love has no timeframe but he was with her longer than Ary, yet he proposed to her in under a year.... wassup with dat?"

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