Chapter 8.) Zina

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After having an hour conversation with Tish then spending time with the girls, King had asked his mom if she could keep the girls on the weekdays so he could help Renae grieve properly. They would get the girls back on the weekends and the moment Tish and Doctor Garner felt as if Renae was doing better emotionally and mentally the girls would be back with them.

It was May 14th, Eve's twenty-fifth birthday was three days ago and Lucy put together a dinner for her then they had an afterparty at the skating rink that was 80's themed.

"Oh fuck!" the constant sounds of Kyle moaning and Malik groaning interrupted Zina's sleep.


Covering her ears, Zina stared up at the ceiling and huffed. She's been out for almost 2 months and Malik was barely acting like a brother to her. Kyle was much nicer than she had expected which made Zina wonder what a girl like her doing with her brother of all people.

Growing frustrated with the moaning, Zina sat up on the sofa and removed the covers from her. 4 bedrooms in the house and Malik made her sleep in the living room.

Could at least try to be quiet, she thought then shook her head standing.

Heading out of the living room and into the bathroom, Zina cut the faucet on to drown out Kyle's moans as she skimmed through her small bag for her toothbrush.

After brushing her teeth, she tied her hair up before she stripped and hopped in the shower. Being in prison all those years made her appreciate life more than ever. She had no one telling her when to go to bed, no one telling her when to eat, when to shower and when she could have free time.

After her shower, she styled her hair in a simple ponytail before she got dressed in black track pants, a white tank top, and slippers that Kyle lent her.

"Hm... You're up, " Malik remarked when Zina entered the kitchen.

"Hmm... You're speaking to be me," she countered and before Malik could reply Kyle gave grabbed his hand.

Eyeing Zina briefly, Malik sucked his teeth. "Hurry up and eat the meet me out front,"

When he walked away, Zina sighed taking a seat at the kitchen island.

"He still loves you... he's just upset," Kyle spoke trying to lighten the mood.

"It's been five years... if I can change and move on so can he," Zina replied.

"It's different... he had to be around the family that you tried to ruin... just give him time," Kyle said then left out the kitchen.

Shaking her head, Zina fixed her a bowl of cereal and leaned on the counter eating it. Once she finished she met Malik out front as he requested.

"What are we doing?" She asked once she got situated in his car.

"Get you a job," he muttered before putting the car in reverse and cut the radio on.

Zina stared out the window watching the trees go by as she reflected on her now free life. There was so much she wanted to do now, she wanted to meet up with Renae for starters to apologize but she knew that would never happen unless her head was on a platter.

She wanted to talk with her parents, but Malik refused to speak about them. She wondered what Autumn was up to and if she was still crazy. When they got locked up they were in the same unit for three months before they got separated.

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