Chapter 68.)

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After Saudi delivered the good news, King called Kwan to tell him the good news and from there, King found out that Kwan was the reason behind Arlina and Tino dying, but he didn't know anything about the guys that kidnapped Renae.

        He wasn't worried about that but he did want to know who else was out there looking out for him so he could repay them for their duties.

       When Renae found out about the good news she went crazy as hell. She tried her hardest not to cry but knowing that he would be done sooner than they thought was like music to her ears.

        It was February 2nd, two days until Dajon's birthday and two weeks until Ava's 4th. Dajon was currently talking with some contractors from Yanna's teams about building a house next door to Renae and King's since Yanna's and Kwan's home was already built behind theirs.

        Ary had a lot of her stuff in the storage until they had their home and Renae and King have been spending time over Kwan's and Yanna's just to give Ary the privacy they knew she wanted for Dajon.

        Karen thought it was amusing that she wouldn't in Karen's words get her grown folk on in the house when Karen knew she's done it before.

        The kids didn't have school today, since Renae just finished up her follow-up meeting with Doctor Rye, King decided to take them out to eat frozen yogurt. Renae would be celebrating her 5-month mark in a few days and King was excited as hell.

        The brace that Doctor Rye recommended for her has been a great improvement on her spine and decreased a lot of her back pain. Her memory loss wasn't as bad as they assumed, the deadly treatments that the previous Doctors did on top of the small ones Doctor Rye did, actually reversed the symptoms to a certain extent.

        Although permanent memory loss wasn't the issue, there were still minor things Renae was suffering from. Loss of appetite, night terrors, no energy, mild confusion, sometimes her mind would go blank, and she was overly emotional. Doctor Rye was doing her best to help treat those but right now, she just asked Renae if she could try to ride it out.

        Renae was in the middle of paying for another cup of froyo for Ava when she felt someone grip her shoulder.

        The cashier's face was hard to read and when Renae went to move she was nudged forward.

        "You got three seconds to guess my name," the familiar voice spoke.

        Renae stood there trying to figure out if she wanted to remove her blade from her purse or play along with this person who obviously knew her.

        "How about you have two seconds to back the fuck up?"

        "That's my sis," the guy laughed stepping back and the cashier let out a sigh of relief. She thought she was about to witness another homicide.

        Turning around, Renae's eyes lit up staring at a very amused Trouble and Ace.

        "What the heck are you two doing here?" She smiled putting her stuff down to hug them.

        "Got some unfinished business to discuss," Trouble chuckled and Ace smirked.

        "Where yo big-headed husband at?" Ace asked looking around the shop.

        "Outside with the kids,"

         "I've been wanting to see tha' lil munchkins," Trouble smirked rubbing his hands together and Renae laughed looking between the two.

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