Chapter 14.) June 18th

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        It's been 3 weeks since Renae was put under and although Karen and Bryson tried to talk some sense into King on Renae's and their kids' behalf he spent hours, sometimes days away from home on a killing spree.

        He had Kwan with him to clean up the mess but the media was starting to get wind of the missing people and if he didn't stop, it would soon trace back to him.

        Although Renae was put to sleep, the baby was indeed active in the womb. It took a week for the Doctors to detect movement and after working nonstop around the clock they managed to catch the baby moving and he hadn't stopped since.

        Far as the girls knew, Renae was in fairyland for a few until she could have their prince, at least that's what Karen and Tamia told them.

        News somehow got back to the blogs and as expected Renae received a lot of love and gifts and even had those who hated her sending her prayers, but Karen was sure to counter them not wanting any negativity attached to them.

        Keenan had finally got his release forms and despite the stunt he pulled, the judge ruled it as an act of high emotion and removed the extra time the chief wanted to add. He was ruled to get out in a couple of months to four, and Tamia was just as excited as him.

        Karen's house was being worked on, King wanted her to move but she refused since she had so much of his father's things in there. So he purchased a temporary home in a rich neighborhood where there were only 4 other houses on the block and protected by a gate.

        King had some men move the things from his and Renae's home and placed inside their other house. Since the guys also knew where Dajon and Eve stayed, King gave Dajon money to buy a new place which was right around the corner from Tamia's place. They were all now within a 12-minute walk but 6 minute drive away from each other except Bryson and Lucy since their homes far as everyone knew were far off.

        "Mi waah mummy bak," Reign pouted moving her bowl of oatmeal away.

        "Mummy inna fairyland sissy," Kaari sighed.

        Ava stared blankly at them, she was still upset that she could barely understand them whenever they communicated in Patios.

        "You know you're not supposed to be talking like dat around her Reign," Karen reminded as she picked up her bowl and placed it back in front of her.

        "Shi doesn't even like being round wi wah di big deal Nana?" Reign replied and Karen gave her a knowing look.

        "Just because you two enjoy it doesn't mean she does. You know she's been wanting to fit in with you two since tha' day she could talk, speak normally around her Reign, that's all I'm asking,"

        Reign looked over at Ava then sighed. "Fine,"

        "Hurry and finish eating so you can start on your homework,"

        "We only have numbers to do Nana, I did mine on the bus," Kaari informed.

        "I'll double-check it, Reign hurry up," she said before walking away.

        "Is Daddy mad at Mommy?" Ava asked putting more blueberries inside her oatmeal.

        "No, don't say dat," Kaari frowned before stuffing her mouth.

        "Don't talk to her like dat," Reign interjected.

        "I didn't even say anything bad, and you're not da boss of me," Kaari huffed.

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