Chapter 28.)

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       It's been two weeks since the school incident and the media was still in an outrage about it. Renae indeed took the cop to court and with all the rage that's been going on, the judge couldn't help him if he wanted to. Renae sued for 'emotional distress', verbal abuse, hate crime and a bunch of other things that Dajon told her the jury would be looking for.

        She didn't want money, that was just a petty stunt on her end so she only asked for 11 thousand and actually won 50 thousand. 30 thousand of it she put right into the girls trust account, sent 10 of that to Lamont, and gave the other 10 to Dajon.

       King wanted to remove the girls from the school but they begged and begged to stay not wanting to leave their friends or step team. He made sure they switched to different classes with teachers who would actually pay attention to the students and monitor what was going on.

        Dajon was still staying with them in the bedroom further down the hall and was sure to block Eve's and Lucy's contact. Renae decided not to intervene this time because she could see it all in Dajon's face that he was indeed innocent and tired of the entire relationship.

        It was December 21st, 3 in the morning and Kairo was up giggling and talking in his baby language as he played with Renae's giraffe.

        "Darn man," she groaned rolling over in bed and sat up.

        King was sleeping in the room with the twins and Ava. They watched Child's Play with Dajon even after Renae and King told them that the movie wasn't for them but they refused to listen and said it wasn't scary. Reign hit them with the he's just a toy, but soon as bedtime came they begged Kingston to sleep with them and Ava even asked to sleep in the room with them because her dolls were all of a sudden 'scary' now.

        Getting out the bed, Renae picked Kairo up out of the crib and lifted him to check his diaper. Seeing that he hadn't filled it, she sat back down on the bed with him and cut the tv on.

       Karen's trick she told her about has not worked quite yet and Renae was starting to believe that baby boy was just gonna be a night owl.

        Settling on Family Matters, Renae laid Kairo down and laid behind him and played in his soft curls as she closed her eyes.

        With his pacifier in his mouth, Kairo's eyes were glued to the tv as he rested his small hand on her arm.

        He was indeed the quietest out of the four and she felt as if he was like that because he picked up on a lot of the animosity that was going on. He favored King to a T, stole his entire face but when he laughed, he favored Renae and his deep dimple stuck out like there was no tomorrow. King kept his hair low because he knew Renae liked playing in it just like she had a habit of playing in his although he was currently sporting braids; courtesy of Yanna.

        Renae had to have been asleep no longer than 10 minutes when the sounds of Kairo whining woke her.

        "Mommy's up, shhhhh, I'm sorry," she cooed picking him up and rubbed his back.

        "Mommy's right here, I'm up baby boy,"

        When he stopped crying, she reached over and cut the lamp on and got out of the bed and walked towards the mini-fridge where they kept his puréed apple sauce and the rest of his baby food.

        Grabbing the peaches, Renae picked up his spoon and sat in the loveseat in front of the tv and fed him.

        Kairo tried to take the spoon and feed himself and she laughed allowing him to.

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