Chapter 43.)

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It's been 3 days since King and Renae had left for the mini-vacation and Kairo was beginning to notice their absence. Whenever he would hear the doorbell ring, he would stare at it expecting to see his parents only to be disheartened when it wasn't. He hated sleeping in his crib knowing that his parents weren't in the bed beside him. He's been extremely cranky and it broke Karen's heart.

She was doing well with the girls, but it was Kairo that was giving her a hard time which she understood.

Dajon finished up his season two days ago and flew back home once he found out that Karen would be watching the kids.

It was 8 in the morning on a Saturday and Dajon decided to take the kids and Kairo with him as he picked Ary up from the airport. She would be visiting for a week to two weeks before she had to fly back to Cali for work.

Instead of Dajon always going to see her, she asked if it would be fine if she did the visiting this time.

"Uncle D.Jayyyyyy," Reign sang from the backseat of his car while he leaned against the door waiting on Ary to wander out of the building.

"Wassup lil monster?"

"Where are wi going?"

"I wanted to take you guys to Mountain Trashmore after we get some breakfast, you wanna do that?" He inquired.

"Yes," Ava and Kaari answered and he chuckled.

"Will yur friend be there?" She interrogated and he smirked.

"Do you not want her to?" He questioned looking into the car and she gave a goofy smile.

"Why don't you like her?" He asked leaning on the window and she shrugged messing with her bracelet.

"Her not like her, because her like Eve," Ava informed and Dajon rose a brow.

"Is that true?"

"Eve iz nice... di otha gyal mek noises wit her rubber band," Reign muttered.

Staring at her for a moment, Dajon tapped his finger on the glass then nodded understanding.

"Do you like her?" He asked looking at Kaari.

"Sure do," she proudly smiled and he smiled as well.

"What about you?"

"Yup," Ava nodded.

"Can you play nice for me?" He poked his bottom lip out at Reign.

She folded her arms and pouted as well and he laughed.

"Her gon' be nice D.J, I promise," Kaari assured him as she gave Reign a knowing look which made him laugh.

"Good looking out," he smiled slapping her five just as Ary was making her way over.

After placing her things in the trunk, he reintroduced her to the kids, Reign just stared at her until Dajon gave her a look. Kairo tried to offer her his dinosaur but Ava stopped him and Dajon laughed.

Before they went to get something to eat, Dajon stopped by Renae and King's house so she could shower before they went ahead and made their way to Cracker Barrel.

After waiting 15 minutes to be seated, they chose a booth by the window and was sure to get a high chair for Kairo.

Dajon ordered the double-loaded egg sandwich with fried apples, Turkey sausages, grits and buttermilk biscuits smothered in gravy. Ary ordered their buttermilk pancakes special with powdered sugar drizzled over them. She had two country n' ham biscuits, scrambled eggs whites with jalapeños and diced tomatoes mixed in with a side of oatmeal.

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