Chapter 29.)

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        It was 8:30 a.m. Christmas morning and the kids were up and ready to open presents. Face washed, teeth brushed and their pajamas on, they ran down the hall and busted into Renae's and King's room.

The other night was out of this world for the group. The bomb Yanna dropped about Ahmed and Melinda being siblings had Renae searching through her mom's things trying to find anything that she could have missed.

Dajon called Bryson up asking for information, but just like Egypt barely knew Ahmed's family, he definitely had no information. Far as he was concerned, he just figured Ahmed kept Egypt out of his personal life because he had no intentions of slipping up with her. He was her pimp for crying out loud and never intended for things to get as deep as they had.

Renae would have to go to the courthouse or find a way to get Ahmed's records so they could find out who the Melinda imposter was and that would lead them to the men that ran up in their other house.

Exhausted wasn't even the word for any of them, Renae was just ready to put a few bodies down to finally get rid of Ahmed once and for all and King... well King was ready to make one final example out of them just to show the world just how serious he was about turning the country upside down.

        "IT'S CHRISTMASSSSSS!" The girls screamed jumping on the bed waking King and Renae.

        "Aye, aye, get down," King laughed grabbing Kairo before Reign could land on top of him.

        "Oops," she giggled plopping down. "Sorry Daddy,"

        "It's Christmas!" Ava exclaimed.

        "It is," Renae groaned placing the pillow over her face.

        They didn't get a chance to sleep until 5 this morning because Kairo was fussy and refused to go to sleep. He had a habit of picking up on bad vibes and that's what everyone was filled with last night, in nothing but a deep funk.

        "Come onnnnnn, it's Christmas," Kaari said as she tugged on King's arm.

        "Five minutes," Renae mumbled and King laughed removing the pillow from her face.

        "Go wake everyone else, we'll be down," He told them and they nodded climbing off the bed and ran out the room screaming.

        Chuckling, King held Kairo up in the air and glanced over at Renae.

        "You don't wanna get up do you?"

        "Nope," she laughed turning on her side and stared at Kairo who was grinning away.

        "After they open tha' presents ma you can go back to sleep aight?" He reasoned as he laid Kairo down and grabbed his bag of diapers and wipes.

        "Fine," she frowned sitting up and tickled Kairo as King changed him.

        "Aye," King called as she headed for the bathroom.


          "Put a luh excitement in dat voice and I'll put a luh some in you," He smirked.

        "Hmm," she giggled folding her arms. "Deal,"

        "Say less," he winked getting up with Kairo just as Dajon entered the room.

        "Mama K said she wants us to eat first, you know the girls mad about that, but check this... I'm finna stop by my pops crib real quick, don't open nothing without me,"

Renae Dreams Trilogyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें