Chapter 17.)

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It was July 27th King and Renae were currently trying to build the baby crib, well King knew how to build it but purposely let Renae believe he didn't just to see her laugh. They didn't speak much about what happened between the two and King was starting to realize that Renae had no recollection of it. He noticed a lot of things didn't stay in her head as long as he assumed and he was starting to wonder if trying to get her to remember him would even work.

        He bought Tamia a new table set before she could even notice it was gone and called Melinda to find out what went on but since Renae couldn't remember, Melinda was in the clear and played her hand the best way she knew how; fake it until she made it.

        "What's this?" Renae asked picking up the giraffe King forgot he left over.

        "It's yours, but it's nothing major," he shrugged picking up the wrench.

      Renae studied the giraffe for a moment then smiled when she noticed the heart. "Did you make it?"

        "Nah, I won it for you one time,"

        Renae stared at the giraffe longer then turned it upside down. King glanced over at her and studied her facial expressions for any signs of remembrance.

        "Why does it look like this?" She asked sitting next to him and pointed to the lopsided ear.

        "It got damaged in'a fire... I got it fixed," he answered and she nodded slowly placing it in her lap and played with it.

        "A fire?" She frowned.

        "Yo moms did it,"

        Renae brows dipped and she stared at him as if he were lying and King picked up on it.

"She wouldn't do that,"

        "She did," he mumbled picking up a screw.

        Renae scrunched her face up and stood up slowly. King cut his eyes at her as she picked up her small book and limped out of the room. King wasn't informed that she hadn't been told about 'crazy, dead' Egypt yet but he was gonna find out soon.

       Putting the tools down, he got up to check on her only to find her in Tamia's room sitting in her rocking chair staring at a picture of her mom as she hugged the giraffe.

        King leaned in the doorway watching her for a moment while examining her, it was something off about her situation but he couldn't put his finger on it yet. She was scheduled for a brain scan next week so they could really figure out what was going on.

        "You don't like me much do you?" Her voice cut into his thoughts and he frowned.

        "Why would you think dat?" He asked and she shrugged staring at Egypt's photo.

        "She hasn't come to see me... I tried to get her number from my aunt but she said she had other things to worry about than her," Renae laughed then shook her head.

        "I don't think you guys like me as much," she confessed.

        "It's ok tho... my mom never did either," she added as the tear fell onto the picture.

        King entered the room, and slowly squatted down in front of her and grabbed her face. He searched her eyes for a bit then looked down at the picture and shook his head.

         They didn't tell her, he thought.

        "Did she really do it?" She asked wiping at her eyes.

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