Chapter 15.) Rebuilding

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It was July 1st, 2 weeks since Renae has been released and the only people she had memory of were Dajon, Tamia, Bryson and now Keenan. Kingston tried to get her to go back to the house with him but she refused and Doctor Garner and Tish but advised him that it would be better if he didn't pressure her or try to force her to remember.

To not make things crazier, they kept the girls away from Renae. Renae was staying with Tamia temporarily since she was always either at work, visiting Keenan or at Karen's place.

Doctor Garner insisted that Renae let a home health nurse take care of her since she could barely walk for long periods of time but she refused, so whatever chance he got, King would use it to his advantage and pop over there just to see her.

She was 7-months pregnant and her stomach was sticking out as if she was having twins, but Doctor Garner told her that was a good sign, it meant that treatments the Doctors were doing for her son worked and he was healthier than they had assumed.

Hearing the doorbell, Tamia peeked inside the room at a sleeping Renae before she headed down the stairs to answer the door.

"She's sleeping, I stayed up with her last night showing her pictures of you two... not sure if I'm getting anywhere tho," she told King as she grabbed her purse and ID badge.

"Tish says you have to make her fall in love with you again... it can't be hard," she smiled before leaving out.

King looked down at the giraffe he won for her years ago and smiled faintly, "Dis is gonna be hard,"

After making himself comfortable, King started on breakfast and listened to Dajon's interview.

By the time the interview was finishing up, King was done cooking and heard light footsteps upstairs letting him know that Renae was up.

After making her plate, he grabbed the giraffe and made his way out of the kitchen and to the stairs.

"When was Aunt Tam into food science? I didn't know she liked that stuff," King heard Renae say.

He stood outside the room for a moment just listening.

"Oh... right I already knew... I'm not even sure how these things work, I feel bad not remembering that guy... I'm pregnant with his child for God's sake... this is crazy," she sighed sitting down and touched her stomach.

"I don't remember him Daddy... I get these bad migraines whenever I try to force myself to... it hurts,"

"Ok... ok... I hear you... mhm... I love you, bye," hanging up her phone, Renae ran his hands through her hair and sighed frustratedly.

King looked down at the giraffe then dropped it before knocking on the door.

"Um... it's open," Renae said and he chuckled to himself before walking in.

"Oh..." She pursed her lips together. "Hi,"

"Good morning," he smiled softly as he approached her.

"Hungry?" He asked holding up her plate.

"I am, thank you,"

"No problem," he replied handing her the plate and stepped back.

"I'll be downstairs," he added seeing that she wasn't going to say anything else.

"Ok," she nodded looking the food over.

Once inside the hall, he picked up the giraffe and headed downstairs feeling worse than before. He had to get his sweet Renae back, he just had to.

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