Chapter 24.) K.J.

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        Kairo Zakoni Stone was brought into the world at 7:53 in the evening on September 5th weighing 8 pounds and 10 ounces. The Doctors wanted to monitor Renae's progress once they found out them shocking her back to life also resulted in her getting her memories back.

        The rest of the drug that was in her system came out when she was vomiting blood and after she had the baby. Of course they ran test and made sure their son didn't have any not even a speck of it in his bloodstream and when things were in the clear, they suggested that Renae stay in the hospital for a few days just so they could keep an eye on her and King was with her every day refusing to leave her side.

        It was September 8th, 7 in the morning and King was sitting near the window watching Bernie Mac lowly as he fed Kairo while Renae slept.

        King couldn't believe he actually had a son and he looked just like him, but just like the girls, he had Renae's deep dimples and nose.

        "I know you don't understand me now, but I did tha' same thing with your sisters. As your father, I promise to always protect you but I need you to do tha' same for your sisters and mom. I may not be here for long, so dat makes you tha' next man of tha' house, no matter what, I want you to know dat you're a Stone, us Stones are strong leaders and even stronger protectors. I want you to wear dat name proudly and know dat, you should never have to feel an ounce of fear as long as I'm around. It's only been three days for your welcoming luh man but I love tha' hell out of you, I promise I'll be tha' best father to you and I want you to be tha' best protector for your sisters and your mom, you got my blood in you, so I know you'll be able to handle it, I got y'all, always know dat,"

        King stared into Kairo's bright eyes and felt as if he understood every word he said and that made him feel better.

        Once he finished the bottle, King burped him then went and laid him in the crib.

        Climbing in bed behind Renae, King pulled her into him and she stirred slightly.

        "Babe," she murmured touching his hand.

        "I'm here ma,"

        "Where's KJ?" She asked, KJ was an instant nickname she stuck him with the moment she laid eyes on him.

        King came up with Kairo, it meant victorious and the fact that he survived so much while still in the womb fit him perfectly.

        "I just laid him down, you wanna hold him?"

        "I do," she nodded.

         Placing a kiss on her forehead, he got out of bed and walked around and picked Kairo up carefully.

        Renae scooted over some and let King lay him in front of her and played with his soft curls and he sucked on his pacifier.

        King climbed back behind her and wrapped his arm around both of them.

        "I don't want Aunt Tamia around me... I haven't decided about my dad yet," she spoke lowly.

        She had her memory back including the ones from recent and she remembered every hurtful thing Bryson said to King and Karen.

        "Do you want dem around tha' kids?" He asked rubbing her stomach.

        "No... I know you want to do things to make me happy but I'm no longer just going to sit back and watch you take on so much. It's supposed to be a hundred, a hundred with us, not fifty-fifty and I was barely doing that but expecting so much from you. I hate that I had to realize that while going through my problem,"

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