Chapter 70.)

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         It was February 22nd, Renae still couldn't get out of bed and whenever she attempted to, either Karen or King was right on her. She disliked lounging around but then again she understood the reasoning behind it.

         Ava started asking about daycare and preschool and King wasn't sure how he felt about that. Even though he knew she would be starting school soon, he wasn't in a hurry to get her started now. But it's what she wanted and like Renae and his mom told him: Give her a chance to prepare herself. But he wasn't trying to hear it but little Ava had plenty of time to bug him.

        She followed him around the entire house with her small journal while asking him to give her two good reasons why she couldn't go to preschool. It was the cutest thing ever because she was so serious yet it was so funny.

        Eventually, King caved and Yanna helped him find a good school for her, so as of today, she was officially in her own words: a big girl and that broke King's heart. To him, he felt as if that meant she would need him less and want to do things on her own but that wasn't the case, but let him tell it, that's exactly what it was.

"You seem quiet today, why's that?" Gereon asked glancing at King briefly before he went back to analyzing his last few assignments.

"My youngest daughter started preschool today... I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to feel," he admitted then exhaled dragging his hand down his face.

"What's the difference between her and your twins?"

"I was tha' same with dem, but damn man... she's my little girl. I couldn't hold onto my oldest as long as I wanted and I wanted to do it for her," he replied then shook his head.

Understanding, Gereon smiled softly, "You're afraid she won't need you anymore huh?"

"Yeah... she's already so smart. She likes arts and crafts and building weird things... my twins are amazing but they're more like their mother when it comes to dancing and stuff. Ava... that's my roll dawg," he smiled staring off.

"I can tell you this from experience, it's normal to feel this way. Especially as a father of two daughters. As men, we have a different connection to our daughters than we would our sons, it's sorta like basic instinct. We feel like the world isn't right or ready for them yet so we want to keep them near to our hearts and wrapped up in our arms for as long as they will allow it, but I can assure you Kingston, she'll never grow apart from you if anything... you allowing her to go to preschool will only make her love you more,"

"It's just weird man," King mumbled sitting up and stared at the floor.

"They're growing up... which means I'm also getting older. And d—"

"That brings you fear because growing old means getting closer to death and that's something you aren't ready for?" Gereon cut him off and King nodded slowly.

He could tell people he wasn't afraid to die thousand of times but in his heart of hearts, he was afraid of dying. He was afraid of leaving behind his loved ones when he still felt as if there were still things he had and needed to do and accomplish.

He wanted to live, he enjoyed life and enjoyed being around the ones he held dear to his heart.

"How can I help you get through this?"

"It's nothing I can't handle. I just would rather not talk about it anymore, at least right now," he answered.

"That's fine. Just know even though this is about learning to manage your anger, I'm always open to give life advice,"

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