1.) Renae... 5 years later

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*Copyright © _jasthewriter aka xjasrenae 2019 This is a work of fiction, the events that take place are fictional and came straight from my thoughts. I do not own the rights to any of the music that I use and the photos that I use are not mine but are available on public platforms. You may not copy or use my work and claim it as your own in any way*


"Aye, Aye... whoa there missy, what'd I tell you about running through this house?" Renae quizzed raising her perfectly arched brow at 6-year-old Reign as she held King's chain in her hand trying to run out the door behind Kaari.

"Sorry Mommy, mi haffi go," Reign replied before rushing out the door.

Laughing to herself, Renae ran her fingers through her thick hair and smiled. Living in Jamaica for all those years while allowing Porsha to continue on teaching the girls Jamaican Patios had really became a big part of their vocabulary, at times Renae had to get on them about speaking Patios instead of regular English, but King had no problem with it and the twins loved it better than their actual Native.

        It's been almost 5 years since she and King said their 'I do's' but King made everyday feel like their honeymoon, she always worried they would lose their spunk after their honeymoon phase because of other issues but their love only grew deeper and their attraction for one another became stronger. They had two houses in Jamaica, 2 in Virginia and a vacation home out in Houston, Texas.

        Things have been great for the two as of recently, they went to church regularly with Mama Karen and Tamia, traveled whenever they wanted, took care of business and still had time for family and friends, God has been nothing but great to them and there wasn't a day where they didn't thank him for having their backs on a daily, even with the illegal work King and Kwan still did on the side, he still looked out for them.

The twins just turned 6, two months ago, it was early March and the weather was warmer than usual, which was actually unusual for Virginia. They were currently back in VA with Kwan and Ayanna living right next door, they tried to make it their mission to fly back to the states to visit the family, especially whenever they had free time. Most times Renae and King would drive out to Houston with the girls and just enjoy each other's company

Renae did so well with teaching dance and putting her on spin on original dances, she's become a big deal on social media, Instagram to be exact. Chris Brown noticed her twice and reposted her videos three times and even booked her and her Nae Bugs for a few shows, which resulted in Kingston and him becoming good friends.

        Tank offered her a few deals but she declined when he asked her to go on tour with him, she never stayed away from her kids or Kingston longer than a week and he wanted her to tour with him for 4 months, she wasn't having it. Her videos had even been featured on the news and every once in awhile the gossip blog TheShadeRoom would post her or the videos of the twins and Ayanna dancing. She had over 6 million followers on Instagram and 4 million on Twitter.

"What are you doing mama?" Kingston asked dragging her from her thoughts.

Placing the girls' toys in the bin, she stood upright and smirked at him, to say he was fine was an understatement. Not only did he bulk up, but he's allowed his hair to grow out since it's become not just a habit of hers but a habit of their daughters to tug on while falling asleep. He kept his facial hair trimmed, his jawline was chiseled to perfection, he gotten a few more tattoos and his style of clothing has changed, he only wore expensive things if he felt the need to or if he had meetings to attend, other than that he left the fancy stuff to his girls with no stress.

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