Chapter 26.)

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        It was December 6th, 3 months have passed by and a few things have changed. Keenan wasn't allowed around Kingston since his name ran heavily through the police department, he was on parole with 4 years hanging over his head and if his p.o. got wind of him hanging or being seen with or around Kingston that would be it for him.

If the family took trips or went out of the country Keenan had to get permission first and if he didn't ask, that was an automatic violation and he'll be right back in prison. Tamia thought the entire ordeal was a setup, he wasn't really free, he was still on their invisible leash and they were hoping he would fuck up.

Lucy grew tired of waiting on Bryson to leave Yvon to be with her, so she cut ties with him, moved out of their shared place and bought a house in Chesapeake in a quiet neighborhood. He was actually giving things with Yvon a chance and as much as Lucy hated it, she had to let go. She knew they were wrong to start their dealings and wished she never initiated it, she just hoped their secrets wouldn't come out to play anytime soon.

Eve and Dajon's relationship was becoming unstable, Dajon felt as if she just didn't trust him at all and still had resentment towards him for cheating. She felt a way whenever he did interviews with Shanti and felt as if he was flirting with her carelessly. Dajon was tired of trying to prove himself to her just and let her assume whatever, he had bigger things to worry about.

Kwan was indeed helping him take care of the Tino situation but it was mostly Kwan always on the go while Dajon just had to keep himself out of sight and out of mind. He had a game early October and when he didn't blow it, Tino attempted to kill him in a car crash but the self-help system Kwan had installed saved him.

When the car crash was plastered over the news and media, Renae lost her entire mind until Dajon called her the same night letting her know he got out before the car blew up. Kwan kept his promise and kept the information from King but with his constant vanishing, King was growing suspicious.

Tino ran back to Italy when he found out Kwan was on his ass, but Kwan knew he would be back because Dajon had his first game of the new year in February.

Kwan and Yanna moved their things from their home and moved permanently into King's and Renae's guesthouse and the kids loved it. They loved that Kwan and Yanna had their own home but it was twenty minutes away, plus Kwan wanted to remain close to the family just in case Ahmed's people came back.

Reign and Kaari joined their school's step team and Kaari even asked her parents if they could put her in the Girl Scouts program but King gave her a big Hell No, he did not trust that program or the people that created it. He also felt as if it was disrespectful because little black girls and boys got arrested for doing exactly what they do, but that was a topic for another day.

Ava was enjoying big sister life and helping Renae and King with Kairo every chance she got. Sometimes she'd wake up early just to check his diaper while Renae and King slept. She adored her little brother and he looked forward to her face every morning.

Renae still had no dealings with Tamia. Tamia attempted to apologize to her but Renae wasn't having it, in fact, she told her you can keep that apology and send it up there with that sister of yours. Tamia was hurt but Keenan told her she fucked up, she didn't tell him she put her hands on Renae and when he found out he really let her have it.

Karen was in church every Sunday and Wednesday to keep her mind off of all of the drama. Bryson's words about her husband had put her in a deep depression and the only thing she wanted to do was put Bryson out of his misery and she wasn't the violent type but his words brought something out of her that she hated. The church was her comfort, it has always been but after the recent incident, it felt like home to her.

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