Chapter 32.) Zina

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        "Um... where are you going?" Zina asked Malik as she stood in his bedroom doorway watching him pack things into his suitcase.

        "I'm heading to Florida with the guys to check out this new connect... well, possible connect," He answered examining his suits.

        Zina folded her arms and rose a brow as she crossed her right ankle over her left and watched him briefly.

He was in a different zone and seemed to be mumbling things to himself as he ran back and forth from the closet to the bed.

It was rare for her to catch him in business mode, she was used to him always laughing or being laid back but watching him in complete business mode was interesting to witness.

        "How long are you going to be gone?" She asked picking up the teddy bear from off of the dresser.

        "A week... maybe two,"

        "Does Kyle know?"

          "Yeah, wassup?" He quizzed finally taking the time to focus on her.

        "Autumn sent me another letter,"

        Malik stared at her for a moment then sat down.

Somehow Autumn found out that Zina was staying with him and started sending her letters every chance she got. The first time, they threw it out, the second time they read it then threw it out.

        It seemed to have turned into a reoccurring thing now, she would send two letters a week or sometimes four a month, it was the weirdest thing Malik ever witnessed, she was literally obsessed with Zina and the letters were starting to come off serial killer-ish.

         "Do you want me to stay?" He asked but she quickly shook her head.

        "Kyle's only twenty minutes away right? If anything I'll just call her," she replied and Malik stared at her for a moment.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, she's not crazy enough to pop up, I'll be fine," she assured then smiled when he continued to stare at her.

Before he could reply there was a knock at the door followed by Ty calling his name.

"If anything happens Z, call my damn phone bro for real," he asserted.

"Promise," she smiled handing him his wallet and phone.

"We came late on purpose and yo ass still ain't ready?" Ty asked entering the room behind Jamel.

"I was kinda talking his head off," Zina laughed.

"I would believe you but dis nigga been late since we've first met him, he can't be on time for nothing," Jamel cut in as he grabbed Malik's things.

Ty stared at Zina for a moment and Malik cleared his throat.

"Off limits nigga,"

Chuckling, Ty held his hands up and followed Jamel out of the room. Malik turned to Zina and gave her his famous look.

"I'm not checking for him Mal," she told him but he continued to eye her which made her laugh.

"You know I don't have a problem with fighting the both of y'all right?"

"You'd be wasting your energy, I'm just trying to finish school," she shrugged following him out of the room.

"Well, if you were thinking of him in that way would you at least tell me?" He asked and she laughed.

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