Chapter 50.)

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It's been 4 days and Renae has yet to call again. The kids were expecting her to but wasn't quite sure if she would. Karen figured she was trying to limit how much she spoke to them in order for her not to feel guilty about her decision.

Everyone missed her, nothing was the same since she's been gone, she wasn't aware of just how important she was to the family until they no longer had her.

It was 10:30 in the morning, the house was empty except for the kids being there. Karen was honestly fed up with everything and had to remove herself from everyone. She went back home and hadn't answered her phone since.

Yanna left late last night which was odd but nobody questioned it, Kwan was still there because he knew King needed help and also knew the closer it got to his court date, the more distracted he became.

Ary had to go back to work, she didn't want to but Dajon figured it would be best for her to go and not be in the middle of his breakdown. He knew once he snapped, he would hurt anyone's feelings and he cared too much about her to do that.

I long for, the warmth of, days gone by...
When you were mine
But now those days are memories in time
Life's empty, without you
By my side
My heart belongs to you
No matter what I try

When I get the courage to know somebody new
It always falls apart 'cause they just can't compare to you
You're the one that makes me bow under ball and chain
Reminisce, think about
As I watch 4 seasons to change

Here comes the winter breeze
That chills the air and hits the snow
And I imagine kissing you under the mistletoe (as springtime)

As springtime makes it's way here, lilac blooms remind me of
The scent of your perfume...

Reminisce inside of love,
On summer nights, indeed
I always get the hots for you (ooh)
Go skinny dipping in the ocean where we used to do

Boyz II Men, 4 Seasons of Loneliness played throughout the bedroom as King laid in bed staring at the home video he put together of Renae and the kids.

He's captured every moment of their relationship, from the moment they were getting to know each other up until they had Ava. He hadn't gotten any new footage of Kairo or the girls as they were older now because of everything that's been going on but that was his plan.

There was so much light in her smile, even in aching pain, seeing her smile still brought a smile to his face.

He still couldn't figure out where he went wrong, she told him where the love was lost at but watching the videos, he couldn't tell. They always seemed happy, she always seemed happy.

Her smile was so contagious, she wasn't aware of just how much he loved and respected her. He looked up to her in so many ways.

Baybeh what tha' hell are you doing? King laughed as he watched Renae attempt to climb over the rail.

I wanted to slide down like they do in the movies. It looked fun to do, I'm short enough to do it. She giggled attempting to do it just as he captured the moment when she almost fell.

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