Chapter 18.)

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Ayanna found herself deep in the boonies to find Melinda's place. She could have sworn she lived close to Renae's old place which led her to believe she wasn't who she led them to believe.

Parking on the side, Ayanna exited the car and pulled her hair up as she marched up the driveway.

Banging on the door, she placed her finger over the peephole and waited to hear movements. When she didn't, she pounded on the door again.

"I'm coming damnit!" She heard Melinda say.

"Who is it?"

Ayanna ignored her and examined her nails as if she could wait all night.

When she didn't get a response, Melinda turned the locks and opened the door slowly.

"Oh shit, hey girl," she laughed closing the door to remove the latch.

The moment Melinda opened the door, Ayanna grabbed the back of her head and hit it into the door then pushed her back.

"I trusted you bitch," she gritted stepping inside the house and closed the door behind her as Melinda held her nose backing away with fear written all over her face.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Stand up!" Ayanna ordered rolling her sleeves up.

Melinda staggered to her feet and put her guard up as best she could and before she could get her full balance, Ayanna cocked back and punched her again causing her to fall back into the computer table.


"MY FRIENDS!" She grabbed her hair and hit her again.

"I DON'T HAVE MY SISTER RIGHT NOW AND NOW I MAY NOT EVER WILL," throwing her into the wall, Ayanna went to hit her again but Melinda hit her with her elbow and tried to run but Ayanna grabbed her by her shirt collar and swung her over the sofa.

Kicking her sneakers off, Ayanna stormed into the living room and grabbed her ankle before she could crawl away.


"Did you stop when my brother told you to huh?" She gritted pulling her head back and sent a blow into her face.

"THAT'S RAPE BITCH!" She yelled hitting her two more times.

Grabbing the textbook, Melinda used it to hit her and when Ayanna fell back, she hurried to her feet and ran towards the back.

"Don't run now bitch," Ayanna spat spitting out blood as she stood up and listened for her.

Hearing her footsteps going upstairs, Ayanna ran towards the back and took the stairs two at a time.

"I vouched for you bitch and you went and did some shit like this?" She asked rhetorically as she grabbed Melinda's shirt and swung her into the wall then tossed her over the small table.

"Please! I was drunk Ayanna! I'm so sorry," she cried holding her hands up with blood gushing down her nose and mouth.

"Fuck your sorry bitch, you tried to rape my fucking brother,"

When Melinda tried to run towards the room, Ayanna picked up the vase and chucked it right at her head and watched her drop.

"If they don't get back together bitch," Ayanna laughed sinisterly. "Oh my God, I'm gonna dig your body up and put bullets in then bury you again just so your soul can feel my hatred for you,"

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