Chapter 41.)

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It's been two days, things were still heavy but that was expected. Renae cried the entire time she rode King and when it was time to return the favor, he made love to her the rest of the night as he continuously professed his love to her.

It was only 6:45 in the morning and Renae was sitting in the backyard wrapped up in the blanket staring up at the sunset reflecting on her life over the years.

She's been through so many hardships in her life but always found a way to come out on top. She didn't have things easy, she wished she could've but then again she didn't think she would even be the woman that she was now if things never happened.

When she met King, she was just beginning to breakdown mentally and wanted to do nothing but to push him away, afraid of judgment of her struggle. But he did the complete opposite and showed her that even in the midst of pain there was always victory waiting at the finish line.

In a way, he was her victory. They day she almost jumped from her balcony still weighed heavy on her heart, out of everyone he was the one who saw right through her mask and really cared for her.

In the middle of being yelled at for hurting, it was King who made her only see and hear him.

So many times she was selfish wanting to leave this cruel world not realizing that she had someone who saw the fight and light within her that she couldn't yet see.

He showed her and made her believe in happiness again, he made her believe that it was ok to feel love and be loved.

It was he, who came into her life and turned her world right side up. Her life was in complete shambles until she met him and for that she would forever be grateful.

He was her rock, he brought her absolute peace and calmed her fears.

He showed her how to be independent and how to be selfish for her own happiness but in the midst of all of that he taught her one thing that would forever stick with her; strength.

He was her protector but also made sure that in his absence she still felt safe and knew how to protect herself.

He stole her heart long before she even knew it.

He was simply her soulmate and she wanted nothing more than to grow old with him and to die right in his arms.

Her life revolved around him, he was her addiction... an obsession that only they understood.

He held the key to her heart and rights to every secret and sacred place within her being.

She was a reflection of him and wanted nothing more than to always impress him and make him proud of her.

He was her world and everything in it.        

She was torn if she was being honest with herself, she missed the way she and Bryson used to be before things got crazy.

She's felt heartache before but the night he allowed his true feelings to come out she heard it shatter.

She was still putting the pieces that she managed to pick up back together, but as the days went on she was losing interest in bonding with him again. He disrespected her husband, the father of her kids, his grandkids and the her mother-in-law.

Renae Dreams TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now