Chapter 1

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I clutched my head, trying to drown out the giggling of the girl next to me. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to sleep around. Girls just become annoying and always want the attention.

I sat up, the covers falling off of my chest. When the girl caught eye of me, she chuckled, bringing her hands out from under the covers. I rolled my eyes, grabbing both her wrists as I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but you only get me for one night. You don't get extra play time with me." She whimpered as I pushed my way out of the covers.

I made my way around the room, picking up the dirty condoms and some of the shreds of clothes that were torn the night before. 

I threw on some joggers, then looked over to the girl who was still sitting on my bed without her bra on. That's another thing that annoys me. Why the fuck do they not know when they aren't wanted anymore?

I pursed my lips, watching as she slowly bit down on hers. "Listen, I don't even know your name. Could you maybe just forget about me and walk out of my life? It's pretty obvious that I just used you for sex."

Her jaw dropped and she crossed her arms over her chest. "I can't believe you! My name is Lara and I can't believe you didn't know my name! I shouldn't have even bothered to show you these."

I rolled my eyes as she pointed to her boobs. "Sorry, to piss you off. Now, please leave. I don't think I can even stand to see your face for another second."

I continued to pick up the condoms and shreds of clothing, seeing that she was finally leaving out of the corner of my eye.

I smirked with pride, fully knowing that she would be out of my life for good now. After throwing every piece of garbage away, I heard something break downstairs, followed by a cry.

I huffed. Again, with the attention. I walked out of my room and towards the stairs, seeing Lara grabbing her foot. I noticed the glass shards all over the floor as well.

Great, another thing for me to clean up. I walked downstairs, thinking about what I would say to her now. I mean, Lara was supposed to be out of my life a couple minutes ago, but she had to be the attention seeking whore.

"Oh, Lara. Did you hurt your foot?" I looked down at her, seeing her hand covered in blood. For some reason I felt my heart begin to pump faster.

The adrenaline in my body beginning to pump as well. The way the blood poured out and looked against the floor made me crave more.

The thought of it running through my fingers made me shiver, but in a good way. Lara looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "Instead of just standing there, you should be useful and get something to cover this up!"

I rolled my eyes, bending down to see her cut. My heart pounded at the sight of it all. Lara winced when I placed my hand on her foot. 

Some of the blood rubbed off on me and god, did it feel great. "You didn't cut deep at all. You're probably going to need a band aid, though."

She looked up at me with an angry look in her wild eyes. "Then go get me one!" Standing up, I made my way over to the pantry, grabbing one of the larger band aids. 

If I would've known better, I would've have slept with this bitch of a woman. I threw the band aid at her, watching as she ripped it open in record time. 

It took her a few minutes to place it on right, then leave the house without saying another word to me. I didn't really care. I was just glad that she was out of my life for good now.

I looked down at the dried blood on the hardwood floor, sighing at the mess that Lara had made. I licked my lips, then wiped the floor down with some soap and water.

Just as I was done, the door bell rang, making me groan. "Who the fuck could that be now?" I walked over to the door, not even bothering to make an attempt to look nice.

As soon as I opened the door, I was met face to face with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her shiny teeth, brunette hair, and sparkling, blue eyes captivated me.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm Sarah Johnson and I just moved into the neighborhood. I thought I would just go around and meet the neighbors, but some of them seem to be anti-social."

I chuckled. She's funny, too. "Yeah, people can be really pissy around here. I'm Brendon, by the way. What house did you move in to?"

Sarah smiled, pointing to the house just across the street. "Right there. It's nice to know that I actually live by someone who I believe I can get along with." 

Oh, we're going to get along real well, Sarah. I can feel it. 

"Yeah, it is, isn't it? Welcome to the neighborhood. I honestly think you'll like it here." Sarah giggled, making my heart drop.

Goodness, she's so perfect. We would go great together. "Thanks, Brendon. I best get going. I still need to meet some of the other neighbors. We'll see, if they actually answer."

I chuckled, waving to her as she walked away. "Goodbye, Sarah!" She waved back with a bright smile plastered on her face. "Goodbye, Brendon! See you later!"

I closed my door, locking it. I bit my lip as my mind instantly began to think about her. Instead of waiting around, I quickly made my way over to the window and watched her.

She walked up to the house next door to hers, knocking on the door. I clenched my jaw, feeling a little jealous when James opened up the door.

Maybe something would have to change. I hate it when people think that sharing something of mine is alright. It's never alright.

Oh, Sarah. I'll have you wrapped around my finger soon enough.

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