She nodded understanding just as a call was coming in.

        "You're live, what's your name, where you from and what's your question?" She answered.

        "Hey, Good morning Shanti, wassup Dajon... my name is Marvin, I'm from Norfolk and I just wanted to say to Dajon that you inspire me, bro. I'm twenty-eight, just earned my Doctorate degree and got two interviews lined up for this afternoon. I've been watching your progress since you first started in the game and the growth that I've witnessed is crazy bro. I was fourteen grand in debt for student loans and had to put a pause on my schooling to find a job to pay off at least some of it. Because of the consistency, I saw in you and the determination I kept going. I'm only six grand in debt and I just wanted to say thank you for those daily morning affirmations you post on your page bro, you don't understand how much they keep me leveled,"

        "That's love bro, keep it up. Do me a favor and dm me yo bank info, I'll knock the rest of your payment out,"

        Shanti's eyes bucked and from the quietness on the other line, she knew the guy was shocked too.

        "Marvin?" Dajon chuckled.

        "Are you for real bro? Like dead serious?"

         "So serious, just send yo information bro," Dajon replied.

          "Well look at that, call up to the station and you just might get blessed this morning," Shanti smiled before disconnecting the line.

         "You know what you just started right?" She asked looking at Dajon and he nodded.

        "Help those who support me, no harm in that," he shrugged before focusing back on his food.

        Shanti stared at him for a moment before scrolling through the comments.

        "Ok... someone wants to know if your brother-in-law is doing ok since the accident?"

        "He's straight, nothing he won't bounce back from," He answered.

        "This question is from a guy, he wants to know if being a basketball star was equivalent to being a celebrity... and he used Chris Brown for an example," she said and he laughed.

        "Some guys look at it that way because that's when a lot of gold diggers or groupies come out. I try to keep that out of my thoughts, I play because I actually love this shit. I ain't choose this for the so-called perks, I'm using this for the greater good. I do the celebrity charity event with Chris and Trey, Chris actually started inviting me last year, and the money goes to the charity of our choice, not the ones that be out here scamming folks. So I guess being a baller is the same as being an artist slash entertainer, to a certain extent tho. I don't really like the media attention, I just deal with it and use it for the good rather than complain about it,"

        "I respect that, the best answer I've heard," she replied as she scrolled through a few more comments.

"We have a few fans but one in particular who wants to know what is it exactly that you look for in a woman who could be your potential girlfriend.... sounds like sis over here tryna get chose," she laughed and Dajon did as well.

"I don't really look for much, if you're dope I can fuck with you. You could be the smartest girl in the world but if your personality is trash I won't give you a time of day. I could be in love with someone who works at McDonald's or something and wouldn't look twice at a girl who owns her hair boutique, I feed off of vibes," he described and she nodded impressed.

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