Chapter 16.) Karen

Start from the beginning

"And he didn't feel tha' same way?"

"He did... at first but then he said it was wrong and said we should see other people," Lucy mumbled then sighed.

"So what's tha' problem?"

"Because he has a girlfriend or situation I should say and I no longer deal with the other men because I'm still in love with him and I'm starting to get jealous and sometimes upset when he doesn't answer my calls,"

Karen stared at her trying her hardest not to blast her but the longer she sat there listening the closer she became to just revealing what she knew.

"What advice are you looking for?" Karen inquired and Lucy shrugged.

"What should I do? Should I try to move on or approach him about it?"

"What could be stopping you two from dating?" Karen quizzed.

"Kids possibly," Lucy mumbled looking down and Karen looked down at her wedding ring and laughed to herself.

Lucy frowned then stared at her strangely. "What's funny?"

"You're in love with Bryson," Karen proclaimed nonchalantly.

"W-what? Ho—whe— why would you think that?" Lucy stuttered.

Karen gave her a knowing look then scanned her nails briefly before looking her over. "Am I right?"

Lucy avoided her gaze and looked at a baby photo of Kingston then rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Mhm," Karen hummed patting her knee then stood up. "You got a choice to fall back and move on or come out to tha' family about it,"

Lucy narrowed her brows and tilted her head. "Sounds like you're giving me ultimatums with little choice,"

Karen stared at the family portrait of Dajon, Bryson, and Renae and folded her arms. Lucy watched her for what felt like hours before Karen looked over her shoulder at her.

"Both of you are wrong, I wish you wouldn't have come to me about dis,"

"Excuse me? Obviously, you already knew. So either you were going to rat us out on your own term or wait until we told you, like now," Lucy sassed standing and Karen laughed.

"I'm grown, been here before you and I'm sure I'll leave here before you. I don't use my time playing high school games. I won't direct my true feelings towards you like I should, I'll save dat for Bryson. Either leave dat man alone and move on like he's trying to or expose yourselves," before Lucy could say anything, Karen headed back upstairs.

"Ain't this a bitch?" Lucy murmured picking up her purse and bottle.

I'm not telling the damn family about this shit, she must be crazy. Snatching the door open, she stormed out but was smart enough not to slam the door behind her.

Now she had a choice of telling Bryson that Karen knew or keeping that to herself while she tried to figure out what she was going to do.

She was conflicted.


It was 3 in the afternoon and Dajon was currently in the gym preparing for his next game before he took his vacation. With his 2Pac, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. album blasting through his wireless earbuds, he pushed himself to finish his 4th set of 18 pushups.

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