032 | juric

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Eric boredly looked around the cafe from behind the counter. Today, the day had gone by agonizingly slow for the boy, and it didn't help that practically no costumers came by, seeing as there was a snow storm.

The boy's head snapped up at the sound of the store's bell going off, signalling someone entered.

He put on his polite smile, ready to greet the customer. As he looked up, he didn't expect to be met with the sight of a breathtaking boy.

"U-uh, hi. Welcome to Blue Stone café, what can I get for you?" Eric asked, trying his best to fight the blush from creeping on his cheeks.

"I'll have a hot chocolate, please!" The other cheerfully said, handing over the amount due.

"What's your name?" Eric, asked, waving the cup. "Oh, it's Juyeon," the other boy said, walking to a chair.

As Eric prepared the hot chocolate, he secretly wrote his number, hoping Juyeon was single, and gay.

"Juyeon," Eric spoke, making the other smile, and walk over to grab his drink. "Thanks, Eric!"

For a moment, the other was confused, as to how Juyeon knew his name, but soon realized he has a name tag.

"No problem, Juyeon. I hope to see you more often," Eric said, adding a small wink at thd end.

"Me too," Juyeon answered, his smile never disappearing.

A/N: I just remembered I've been forgetting to put the word count at the end, whoops. But I don't think it really matters, anyway, thanks for 24k reads!

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