Episode Thirty (Clip Four)

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----(Tension music II starts playing)----

Both cars flew down the mountain un-synced. A huge gap laid between them. Louis AMG trying to keep up.

"Right now every aspect that could stand in Flash's way is doing exactly that." Clint said as he glanced at the rear view mirror seeing the Mercedes falling behind. "A horrible tricky course with unpredictable consecutive tight hairpins and long straights, the uneven pace of my Skyline that jumps in and unsettles his rhythm."

"Then there's the big daddy of the problems. He still hasn't figured out the AMGs capabilities. The handling is still a puzzle towards both partner and driver."

"All this will lead to my victory, I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't see your all in this battle. But hey, who doesn't want to grab to the opportunity to beat Louis Flash?"

Mr. Kenner watched the live stream with the group. His thoughts angrily scolding himself now.

"I'm sorry I never had the chance to tell you this Louis." He said to himself. "But the night we hurried to place your engine in the car I've noticed the power it has packed in that Suzuki hybrid V8. I did some research after the installation and found out something real useful."

"The suspension settings change based on the power coming out from the engine. That's the reason this V8 engine had a particularly high revving limit."

"If your thinking that you can't corner as good as you used to then that's normal. Cause that's exactly how the car will behave from the get go."

"Only by entering the corners at the higher RPM can get you the higher cornering speed like you want."

"I pray that you'll figure this out in time, cause if you do than you'll have the chance to turn this match around to your side."

A corner then appeared in front of Louis as he accelerates full throttle into the corner. But soon he realized he went in too hot.

"Too fast!!!" He yelled and slammed the brakes but it was too late, the corner was right before him. He then pushed gas and managed to powered through the curve at 9500RPMs totally throwing him off his intensions.

"Wait did I just imagined that??" Louis thought as another corner closed in.

"I know this ain't the time for experiments but I've gotta find out about this!"

He then went into the corner at the same speed and dashed through it at a higher pace.

"I'm really cornering the way I prefer now!"

He then taps the brakes lightly into a swift understeering drift! Closing the gap by two seconds.

"Is it because I'm giving Mercy more power now?"

"Hey Mercy feel any different?"

"I believe cornering at a higher RPM is what this engine is made of I can see you exiting 280km/h back at the drift alone."

"But I bet you can corner faster!"

"Alright......" Louis trailed, the anger building inside him.


(Song skip optional)
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