Episode Twenty Six (Clip One)

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Her voice were echoes in the large space. It was so virtual yet so surreal. Thousands of stars and planets lit up the night sky of nothingness. Her legs were suspended mid air as if she was standing on an invisible floor. At the bottom was a dark pit of void. Some mirrors were floating mid air with her, all of them now showing her reflection but random key events of her life.

Katie looked around, not knowing the reason she was there. All of a sudden she saw a little girl, with charcoal black hair standing in front of her.

"Hey there, where am I?"

The girl then turned into the other direction and ran away. Katie was startled chased after the familiar looking young girl.

"Wait!! I--" Katie trailed when the little girl stopped and turned around to face her.

A ten year old Katie Black stood before her, eyes teary with one hand holding an MP3 player.

"Who are you?" The blue hair girl stammered in fear.

The young Katie shook her head. "Are you dumb?"

"I'm you."
Episode Twenty Six ~ The Ultimate Rivalry Battle!🏁 and into drowning in a nightmare 👹

(Next clip)

The Elemental Drifters: Second Stage (2018 Edition)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz