Episode Eleven (Clip Two)

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----('24 Hours A Day With You' starts playing)----

"Countdown in Ten!!" The staff announced with his left hand pointed up the sky.


The team crossed their fingers hoping their indigo haired friend would be able to pull this one off whereas The Baldy Daredevils cheered their team's ace on.

"Eight!!! Seven!!!"

The crowd of spectators grew more tense. Everyone wanted to see a good battle.

"Six!!! Five!!!"

Loid was messing with the GT-Rs controls. He touched the button on his mini computer screen and in an instant the car's traction control was turned off, displayed on the speedometer in front of him.

"Four!!! Three!!!"

"Today's the very day The Order of Elements will get their first taste of defeat!" Loid demanded as he tighten his grip on the steering. "By me!!! Loid Newman!! Leader of the Baldy Daredevils!!"


Rhys shifted into first gear. He revved his car by tapping the accelerator. The loud V-TEC engine purred. He was ready.

"One!!! GO!!!!" (*beat drops*) The staff threw his hand down as the GT-R took off in the lead followed by the S2000 behind.

"And they're off!!" Joel exclaimed.

"Perfect launch!! And their shifting was great!!" A spectator claimed.

The camera drone flew above the racers. Being the staff's eyes in the sky. The spectators on the summit then took out their smartphones to watch the aerial footage of the battle.

Both cars approached the first hairpin. Loid coming at it first.

"AND NOW THE REAL BATTLE BEGINS!!!" He demanded as he downshifted and pulled the E-brakes to cut the traction of his rear tyres. The GT-R swinging and blocking the S2000 with it's large body. It covered the gloss blue Honda with smoke of hard rubber burning and exited out the corner with ease.

"Jerkward!!!" Rhys cried and followed the GT-R from behind drifting. Counter steering furiously to keep his S2000 on the road.

Both cars recovered and sped off. Loid and Rhys move their gearsticks swiftly up a gear. Their feets move up the clutch and into the acceleration.

The two cars parallel drifted into a tight hairpin, barely losing any speed as they exited out. Other right mid corner came, Rhys braked a little later and did a power slide behind the GT-R. The V-TEC roared loudly as the exhaust backfires behind.

"That Mr. Kenner really knows he's work! I'll have to thank him for that!!" The indigo haired American told himself as he counter steered through another corner with effort.

Loid glanced at his rear view mirror and chuckled upon seeing the headlights of the S2000 behind him. "Your pretty good, must be the light weight of your Honda S2000 Roadster."

"But I'm just getting started. I was afraid that the crowd would be disappointed if I ended the race at the beginning that quickly. But now since I wanna beat you Order of Elements so badly might as well I pick it up or notch." He smiled and shifted into fourth gear. His VR38-DETT twin turbo engine roaring down the straights and widening the gap between him and the S2000 a little.

Rhys grunted as he followed suit, stepping on the gas to keep up. The 250 horse powered V-TEC kicked in. The American flying down the long straight at 190km/h after the left turn.

The next hairpin came, a left L-bend. Loid knew what he was doing, waiting for the last possible minute to break traction. His American opponent had already shown his red taillights behind flashing it into the night. But the GT-R continue to accelerate.

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