Episode Twenty Seven (Clip Two)

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----('Madly Driving' starts playing)----

The race had started a while ago as both racers started to battled it out on the open straights. The R8 Coupe was in the lead alongside with the 997 GT3 chasing behind.

Joel and Dave switched gears as they dodged traffic. The sounds of the R8s V10 and GT3s 4.0 liter Flat 6 roared into the night skies of Wangan.

The sounds of horns from the slower cars were fades as both drivers zoomed past them at 300km/h.

"Let see how terrifying Max described you as." Joel said in his mind as he steered past a huge truck.

"That speed you unleashed during your race with that Camaro show it to me again." Dave thought and shifted into sixth gear going full throttle.

The cars zoomed past into the highway like jets. It's was no slowing down for them.

"There's no holding back now. I must go all out!!!" Joel thought as he paddle shifted into his final gear.

"To win!!"

"Sixth gear at 8500RPMs and at 330km/h, this R8 Couple must be a track monster!!" Dave explained while keeping up with the Audi in front of him.

"But I've just getting started, that Audi may be fast but I'm 200 kilograms lighter." The golden blonde said and passed his opponent on the open left lane.

Dino's STI Impreza and JL's R34 GT-R followed calmly behind. Clint then started the timer in the WRX.

"Looks like three minutes had started." He said onto the walkie talkie as he eyes at the metallic blue R34 beside him.

"Judging by the rules it looks like this race can be over very quickly." Louis riding shotgun in JL's GT-R. "Or it can turn into an all out endurance race as well."

"*static* He he, that's why I favor this kind of racing style. *static*" The radio blarred. "*static* Both drivers will have to know when to push to the limit or when to save their boost. *static*"

The 997 GT3 began pulling away, Joel had to pressed the throttle harder to keep up.

The gap was balanced, Dave shifted into fifth gear and floored it after dodging traffic.

"Steady steady." The golden blonde told himself as he cornered into a mid highway corner.

Joel entered the corner without braking but only counter steered heavily, throwing his grip on the steering fully line he used to. The Audi R8 super drifted behind swiftly.

The brown shifted into fifth gear to recover his speed and floored the gas as he and the Porsche entered a tunnel, orange lights above illuminated their cars.

The Porsche blurred into traffic. Joel struggling to keep up.

But Dave continue to accelerate. The 911 turbos whined loudly as it narrowly dodges a truck.

"Is this seriously all you got!!!" He yelled confidently. "There's no way that Audi has gotten past it's limit!, push harder and give me a race worth fighting for!!"

Then, suddenly the highway curved into a right corner. Dave power silded past it. But the R8 Coupe had a better exit speed and past the Porsche while it was catching back up to it's top speed.

Clint reset the timer as Dino struggled to keep up behind.

"Damn! My Subaru's an all wheel drive but I'm at my limit just trying to keep up? How in the bloody hell is this possible?" The white hair wailed.

"The answer is their weight distribution." Clint enlightened his Australian friend. "Both cars may only have their rear wheels powering them but that R8 Coupe has its engine placed in the rear middle and Dave's 911 has its at the back."

"Your heavy 4 boxer is sitting right in the front of your car which isn't real ideal if you compared it with theirs."

Joel concentrated and tapped the braked into an understeering drift. Increasing his speed in the corners and widening the gap by two seconds during the drift, his rear tyres screaming behind.


After the corner, Joel punched the gas, accelerating from 220 to 290km/h in just a few seconds!

"His cornering is fast," Dave observed the Audi up front. "Just like in the video I've watched, to be honest he's driving style is almost identical in his Skyline."

"Your doing great Dave." His Porsche assured him. "Keep up this pace and we'll past him on the next straightaway."

"Right," The golden blonde said as he powered his GT3 RS past a truck. On the next straight, both cars avoided traffic at full speed. Joel went to his usual tactic of track analysis and making sure he'd be able the keep the Porsche behind his bumper.

"One minute and a half into the lead!" Scorch announced but Joel was not pushing it too much.

"Steady man, we'll get into there soon." Joel explained. "If we go all out now there's no chance we'll keep up if the GT3 RS manages to make a jump on us. We need to play it safe and keep switching positions till further into the match."

"But it'll be all over if we make a move for it now."

"Yes but we got to remember the Porsche's got enough strength to keep up."

"Alright maybe your right." The R8 said.

A S shaped corner came as both cars tackled it before going into another tunnel. Joel drifted through the tunnel corner without difficulty while Dave followed behind tailgating.

"Joel, let me hear you and that Audi..." Dave mentally told Joel as he could hear the ten running pistons of the V10 engine as was echoes throughout the tunnel.

Joel keeped on the inside of the slight right two laned tunnel corner gripping at 280km/h. But upon exit Joel immediately saw a Jeep that appeared on his lane after he was completely blinded by the tunnel wall while cornering.

"CRAP!!!" He then swerved into the left lane avoiding the civilian vehicle by millimeters and tapped the wall making Sparks fly, losing an amount of speed.

The Porsche then flew past him on the right, accelerating non-stop. Clint resets the timer back into three minutes.

"See I told ya to play safe." Joel told his partner.

"Yeah, and now we'll play the cat again."

At the next straight after the tunnel,  the 997 GT3 RS once again widened the gap on the straightaways.

Traffic filled the two narrow and crowded highway lanes as both drivers struggled to dodged them.

But unaware of The Order nor the trios knowledge, a group of cars were accelerating behind them and catching up fast.

An evil grind emerged from an unknown racer as he sees the four cars running at 300km/h in front of him.

He then talks into a walkie talkie. "Alright boys looks like we got ourselves some fun tonight!!"

"Yee haw!!!" The radio blarred as the group of cars were catching up to them.

(Music fades)

To be continued....

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