Episode Twenty Two (Clip One)

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(Saitama city hospital, 10:00hrs)

Louis opened his eyes relaxed. He had woken up in a room of white walls, unknowing of the reason he was there.

But then he got up from his bed almost immediately, remembering his crash at the previous day. He looked around and found himself in a hospital room. There was an IV fluid attached to his left arm.

"I-I........" He stammered, looking at his shaking hands.

"I lost???"
Episode Twenty Two ~ The lost Elements 🔥

"The BMW i8 safety systems must had been what saved you." David said as he looked at his clipboard. "If not you'll would have been smashed under the wreck of your own car."

"The tyres must have been the problem." Joel assumed, standing beside Louis. "Cause of your i8 being an all -wheel drive, drifting isn't really what it's designed for. Therefore you must really wrecked the tyres with those power drifts."

"That's right," JL agreed to the brown hair's statement. "I understand the limit of an all-wheel drivetrain's capabilities when doing multiple skids around the corners. But you've probably pushed it to far to the point where the tyres brust and broke over exhaustion and overheating."

"It's real damn lucky for you to be still breathing Louis." The doctor added. "If the same happened to me in my Lancer Evo, I wouldn't be in a hospital bed without a few broken bones or my skull damaged."

"So I survived the crash...." Louis trailed. "Only by an inch."

"That's right." David replied. "I need to go see another patient, I'll be back later for your checkup."

The man then went out of the room and shut the door. The three boys heard chatters outside.

Then the door brust open as a purple haired girl rushed inside immediately.

"Louis!" She came in so fast that by the time Louis opened his eyes she was already embracing him tightly on the bed.

"You almost died." She muttered in tears.

"I'm ok Airi, I'm ok." The hoodie didn't knew how to react.

"Is she this concerned for my safety?" Flash thought to himself.

"It's fine," He assured his assistant, patting her back gently.

"Don't ever do that again." Airi whimpered.

"Sure I won't, I was just too reckless." Louis admitted, he then looked to the side of him and gave JL and Joel a 'do-you-mind?!' look. The two understood and looked away whistling.

Then the door swung open again which made Airi to instantly let go of Flash and stood beside him. This time Marcus, Rhys and Prayter came in the room along with Zendrick and Co.

"Feeling better bruv?" Marcus asked the hoodie in hospital clothing who nodded.

"Much better with a night's rest." Louis claimed.

"There's someone here to see you." Rhys said and stepped aside. Revealing a dark haired American.


The Drift King stood there behind the group patiently as he wiped a black hair lock is his forehead.

"I'm glad your alright." He began. "Most people would not be able to survive that hell of a crash."

"Thanks for your concern," Louis thanked.

"That was one intense battle last night." Friedland claimed. "You almost had me back there but I guess you would have gotten the 'Drift King' title if your tyres didn't had snapped."

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