Episode Twenty Eight (Clip Two)

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----('One night in Arabia' starts playing)----

The Wangan was lit with street racers battling to the fullest. The three 'Midnight Clubbers' started to battle it out with Joel and Dave. It seems that the race had some 'New challengers'.

The Audi RWS drove swiftly through the course dodging slower cars in his way with the Dave and the four other tuner cars tailgating behind.

"Punk's got some horsepower!" The leader admitted as observed Joel's RWS.

"Well, but I've got all wheel drive buddy!"

The man then steps on the gas, pushing it harder. The lampposts of the highway flash one by one onto the white paint job of the GT-R.

The white R32 caught up passing Joel and stealing the lead taking first place. Joel grunted heavily as he shifted to sixth gear to keep up with the GT-R. His R8 backfires as it exits 310km/h!!

The five cars continued racing on the freeway. Dave speeds and catches with the R32. It then becomes aggressive and blocks his opponent.

"The is fun! Hahaha!" The R32 driver laughed and shifts gear. They dodged traffic on the way. Joel tailgating the GT-R, drafting behind.

The bright lights then filled the night as the racers battle it out. Then, corners began to appear up ahead. The cars was losing serious ground. Joel brakes and drifts along the corner. His drift was wide due to him immediately pressing the throttle after tapping the brakes.

Then it was Dave's turn, he brakes perfectly and drifts, following Joel.

Another corner was closing in. The brown hair downshifts and stepped on the brake pedal, power drifting into the corner, taking the inside and then moving to the outside line. He then shifts into fourth gear and accelerates on the straights gaining speed.

The highway then bents into another corner. Joel attacks the corners with ease an agility, his entry speed was great as well as exiting the corners. He manages to chew on the white GT-R's bumper.

But then suddenly, the iconic brake lights of the R32 lit up a bright red in front of Joel's R8.

Joel: "What the hell?!!"

Time slowed around Joel as he turns the wheel just in time barely missing the GT-R brake checking him.

The R32 behind began regaining it's speed to level up with Joel.

"The dude is insane!!" Joel yelled. Then his radio started blaring.

"*static* Guys this might be too much, let's settle this another time. *static*" Louis in the radio said.

There was some sense in this. The hoodie was right. It's crazy to continue this death race with an insane racing gang with murder in their intentions.

"*static* No. *static*"

"Dave?" Joel was surprised, his opponent wanted to go on.

"*static* No sooner or later it ends now! I don't care if it's just some jerks thinking they own this road that trying to stop us! I've had enough!!*static*" The voice from the Porsche 997 GTS RS said.

"*static* I'll show em! *static*"

"Who's the best racer of the Wangan!!"

The 911 then overtook the GT-R, gaining the lead and enraging the driver.

"Guys what do you think?" The brown hair asked his friend over the radio.

"*static* If he already made a decision then it's final. You can't change a man desires if he already has a fix into it. *static*" Louis said over the radio.

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