Episode Fourteen (Clip One)

103 6 19

(20:00hrs, The Kobe Area)

The highway was buzzing with night drivers. The majority was driving into the city to go for some shopping or to party in the clubs while others were just driving leisurely around the freeway.

At one of the many highway rest stops, a van and a group of sports cars gathered. The team was there waiting for their spiked hair Camaro driver to arrive.

Joel sat in his V35 Skyline, chilling.

"We got this. Right Scorch?" Joel asked his partner.

"This Camaro might actually be the hardest opponent will ever faced." The V35 said. "The crazy thing is that it's actually an FR. I thought the all-wheel drives rule the straights?"

"Yeah, but sometimes simple common sense like this gets thrown out of the window." Joel explained. "In the end, it all goes down to the driver who is either more experience or skilled."

"I can agree with that." His partner stated.

Then, there was a light knocking on Joel's window. Louis wanted to get the brown hair's attention. The brown hair then winded down his window.

"Anything?" He asked the hoodie.

"He's here." And to Louis' words, the black Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 drove into the area. It's loud 5.0 liter V8 roaring like a fierce dragon. Max Takeshi got out his Camaro, his black spiked hair flew about because of the wind from the overpassing highway vehicles.

"Listen Joel," Flash began. "I know your great at course analyse and that you may think you have a complete advantage over your opponent but I want you to try something different tonight."

"Something different?" Joel was dumbfounded.

"Yes," Louis stated. "Just do best and put what ever you've learned into this race."

"And have fun."

Starburst didn't understood the final part. "Fun?"

"Come on out the race is starting." Louis said as he walked away. Joel got out his Skyline and looked at his spiked hair opponent.

"Shall we began?" Max asked.

"Let's do this." Joel confidently demanded.

Both drivers got in their cars and drove into the highway. Leaving the team behind.
Episode Fourteen ~ The Ballad of the Highway Racers 🏎
(Going down the freeway......)

Both racers, Joel and Max were going at a 100 kilometers per hour on the highway. As they were entering a bridge, Max nodded to Joel slightly signaling the start of the race. Joel nodded back, acknowledging his opponent.

As soon as they reached the beginning of the bridge, both Max and Joel floored the gas like there was no tomorrow. Their revs rossed instantly from 5000 to redline.

"Let the thrill began!" Joel exclaimed into the night.

The team hung around the rest area when suspicious car came in and parked. It was a black matte Nissan Skyline R32.

The driver got out reliving themselves. It was Zendrick.

"You're late." Louis told the silver hair. "They've started the race already."

Zendrick only chuckled as he brush his silver hair aside.

"I'm never late for anything." He claimed boastfully. "Well, since those two won't be back in while, why not we talk about the specs of both cars?"

"Sure I don't mind, fill me up with your car knowledge." Louis calmly said. "Tell me more about that Camaro. What's your reason on it being so fast?"

"Gladly." Zendrick said. "Cause this ain't any ordinary Camaro."

"Enlightened me." Louis requested.

"The 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 was touted as having the same conventional rear-drive, front-engine configuration as the Mustang and Chevy II Nova. In addition, the Camaro was designed to fit a variety of power plants in the engine bay."  Zendrick explained his car knowledge to the team. "But what makes this Camaro so special is it's powerful 5.0 liter V8 engine that could be tuned into any horsepower setting the driver desires as long as he knows the ropes in tuning an engine."

"Your friend's Nissan V35 350GT Skyline Coupe has a front-midship engine and rear-wheel-drive layout to achieve a 52%/48% weight distribution. Though it was mostly ignored by Japanese tuners, replacing the 3.5 L VQ35DE V6 into another more powerful engine is as easy as ABC."

"Joel did had an engine swap for his Skyline." Louis added. "It was a twin turbo VK45DE V8."

"A prefer combination." Zendrick stated. "However, the disadvantage is that V35 Skyline weights about 1500 kilograms. Comparing the weight of both cars, the Camaro would be lighter and more nimble around traffic."

"Then, there's the course." The sliver hair smiled. "A pretty smart choice of the course I must say."

"What's so special of this course anyway?" Rhys, the indigo haired American asked curiously.

"The Kobe Area is special cause it really isn't a straight highway." Zendrick said shocking the rest. "You'll see." He assured them.
Max Takeshi

Elemental Drifters: The Second Stage_________________________________________

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Elemental Drifters: The Second Stage

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The Elemental Drifters: Second Stage (2018 Edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora