Episode Five (Clip Three)

95 7 4

----(Strike On starts playing)----

Some staff members were placed in the many hairpins of the course. Then, they heard tyres screeching. A staff took out his walkie-talkie

"I can hear them coming! There getting close!!" He said into the radio.

"I wonder who's in the lead?" A spectator asked.

"It's definitely the Jaguar. The GT-R doesn't stand a chance." Another spectator guessed.

The GT-R and F-Type R appeared, side by side with each other that shocked the rest.

"No way! The R35 is about to overtake the Jaguar!!!"

Tony moved to the inside downshifting and braked into the right bend corner. However, his car began to move to the outside on it's own.

"Understeer!!!!" Tony thought.

Marcus saw the opportunity, he downshifted and counter steered into the curve.

The crowd: "NO WAY!!!!"

The GT-R cut into the inside and bumped the Jaguar a bit. Tony's eyes widen with shock as the GT-R past him from the inside.

"THE JAGUAR WAS PAST!!!!" Yelled the crowd.

Both cars past the crowd, making their hairs fly before disappearing into another corner.

"N-n-no way......" One of Tony's crew member trailed.

"I got past?!!" Tony yelled in frustration. "In this course?!"

"YAAAAHHH!!!!" Marcus yelled letting out his white snowy aura of an owl that covered the GT-R. 

"So this is Marcus' true power!" Tony exclaimed watching the bright aura behind. "It's amazing!!!"
(Back at the summit)

"Hey I just heard that the R35 past Tony! Do you believe that!" One of Tony's crew members wailed.

"This freaking insane! Tony's one of the best in this course! How did he get past so easily?!"

The team at the other side of the guardrail heard Tony's crewmates wailing.

"Marcus past the Jaguar!" Joel exclaimed happily.

"Ya but can Marcus hang on?" Louis said. "The beginning of the course are all tight hairpins and curves. It'll be easy for any FR tackle them. But we gotta remember that we're not in Japan. At the near end of the course, straightaways appear more often."

"Judging that the F-Type R has better acceleration than the stock GT-R. The Jaguar might past Marcus on the straights." Louis explained fluently.

"However, understeer should be a bigger problem to the F-Type R and that gives us the advantage."

"Remember the corner that the Jaguar understeer so much it's bumper tapped the guardrail a few times? That means it's tyres are already worn out to the extend that it can't corner probably anymore."

"So the only way Marcus could win this match...." Louis looked at his teammates who were amazed of his vast knowledge of cars. "...is if the F-Type R spins out."

Marcus downshifted into a hairpin. Gripping the inside as Tony fallen behind by three seconds.

The straights began, Tony switched to his last gear at the straight catching up with the GT-R a little.

"I gotta catch up! I can't lose!!" Tony accelerated desperately, almost overtaking the R35.

But suddenly, the R35 braked, it's taillights stalled. Marcus downshifted and shot past the left hairpin turn almost blurring.

Tony grunted with eyes widen, he counter steered into the turn but that was all his tyres could take. He slided into the outside as if the road was slippery butter. His bumper banged the guardrail heavily and began to spin 360° degrees before slamming into the other guardrail.

(Music fades)

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