Episode Eleven (Clip One)

96 6 12

(Mount Baldy, 21:30hrs)

"I think I wanna chase him first."

That sentence made the team bewildered. Chasing on the first run was suicide, not to mention stupid.

Rhys immediately walked up to the Baldy Daredevils himself. He stood upon Newman with eyes of determination.

"I'll be the chaser for the first run." His statement made Loid shrugged.

"What's he thinking?? I could just easily pass him on the first run and be done with it." He thought. "What does he take me for? A joke?! If he thinks he can beat me like that in my home course he better be damn wrong!!"

"Excellent!! Now I really can't let you win! I'm gonna show you what my modified R35 GT-R is all about!!!"

Rhys walked up to his team with his head down.

"Rhys....." Louis trailed but the indigo hair walked past through them rudely.

"What's with him?" The hoodie asked.

Marcus shook his head and crossed both his arms together. "That's his thing, he hates it when other people asks him on what to do. He's always had that lone ranger sort of gig that can't be changed."

The team stared at their teammate who was leaning over the guardrail overlooking at the beautiful night skyline of Los Angeles, letting the wind blow on his indigo hair as he closed his eyes.

"Little sister......."
Episode Eleven ~ Risky Guy ❎

Rhys walked up to Mr. Kenner, the mechanic was busy working on his S2000 with the hood up and engine haul exposed.

"Ok." Mr. Kenner said, pushing down the hood and stretching a little. "It's all done, I've lowered the suspension a little so that the car is can break traction and skid much easier on these tight hairpin curves. However, understeer might be a problem but I'm sure you could manage." The mechanic said as the American nodded.

"How much power is he running?" Rhys asked.

"I've increased an addition 10 horses to your partner's last night so that'll be about 250 horses in total in that naturally aspirated V-TEC engine." The man proudly explained but when he opened his eyes he saw the indigo haired already shoving the keys into the ignition and driving into the starting line leaving him behind clueless.

A staff member raised his hand to silent the crowd. He then went to the two racers and gave them an earpiece.

"This earpiece will enable us to keep you on touch on your way downhill. Mount Baldy is full of muddy roads, step cliffs and oncoming traffic. By wearing this, we can warn you if there's any possible danger during the race. You can also communicate your teammates." The staff explained as he gave Rhys the earpiece. "We'll use drones so we can see the race entire race from the top. Any event of incoming traffic or hazards we can let you know through the earpiece so don't remove it. Here."

"Alright, Thanks." The indigo hair said and whined up his window.

"All right, I'm starting the countdown!!!!" The staff member yelled as the crowd went wild in delight. Hyped to see the race between the fastest team in the mountain and a legendary racing expedition team with zero losses on their belts.

The Order stood at the side of the guardrail, anxious on the outcome of the race.

"Do you think he could manage??" Prayter asked nervously. "This might be the very first match that we taste defeat."

"490 horsepower, All-wheel drive drivetrain with the ATTESA E-TS system and a weight reduction that ables it to drift. Guys I think the odds had really gotten us beat this time." JL uttered. "Even if he choose the lead position we would have a chance."

"Come on guys, have faith." Louis told the group. "We've still got the advantage of the S2000s lightweightness and front mid-engine that gives it a superb weight distribution."

"Yeah, but what's the point if our opponent knows the course like the back of his hand." Joel added to make matters worse.

"I know he's got the potential, I've trained you guys for the whole of winter for a reason." Louis said. "And I know what you guys are capable of."

"To win, even if it's against all the odds we face." The hoodie said as he glanced at the American in his S2000.

"Loid's R35 got this!! I mean damn! The dude's never lost a single match in months!!" Proudly said a Daredevil. His teammate joined in.

"Yeah!! There's no way he'll lose. All the odds are in our favor!!"

The team overheard the conversation and where pissed at being told they were destined to lose.

"Why those brats!! Wait till we see the outcome of the race and we'll be the ones laughing at them!" Joel angrily said towards the opposing team.

"So what do you think Louis? You think he's got this in the bag?" Mr. Kenner asked the hoodie. "He's up against a GT-R."

"GT-R or not, we've just gotta believe in him. " Louis said, feeling confident. "Come on Rhys. Win!!"

"HELL YEAH!!!" The team shouted with their fist extended, not noticing the crowd of people looking at them as if they were mad.

Mr. Kenner: "I do not know them."

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