Episode Twelve

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Episode cameo: Mike1990Takeshi

(Somewhere in Yokohama city.....)

The garage was huge and well equipped with car parts and tyres. They were two hydraulic jacks and a few workers working on the cars that night.

A group of teenagers was gathered around sitting on the table, playing some card games.

"Alright, guys," A teen with slightly blonde and shaggy hair said. "Show me your cards." He wore a dark blue T-shirt and black jeans.

All five friends slam their cards on the table showing their decks.

"Yes!!! Go fish!!!" A girl in her 18s cheered happily for winning the game. She had long yellow hair. She wore a yellow and white crop top and pink skirt.

"Hey, no fair! How does Chichi keep winning???" A dude with slightly dark purple hair wailed. He wore a simple blue buttoned shirt and jeans.

"It's a pure skill that you lack Bryan." Chichi arrogantly eyed at her purpled hair friend.

"That's what she said." A dude with short brown hair said.

"Oh you know nothing about skill Frederick." Bryan sneered, salty of his lost.

"Or maybe it's because your boyfriend Shaw is shuffling the cards." Bryan shot back making Chichi blush like crazy.

Chichi: "S-shut up!"

"Guys, can we just all get along and play the goddamn game in peace." The shaggy blonde named Shaw pleaded.

"Speaking of which, where's Takeshi?" Chichi asked out of the blue.

"Max? You know the dude. He's either at home sleeping his ass off or at the Wangan taking a spin in his Chevy Camaro." Frederick said without surprise as he began reshuffling the cards.

"Do you know where he is Chika?" Chichi turned to her twin sister of the same hair colour who wore a bright pink shirt and a yellow skirt.

"I have no idea." The yellow hair shook her head.

"I thought you two sat just next to each other in class?" Her twin sister assumed.

"Yeah, but I hadn't seen him in class at all today," Chika claimed.

Suddenly a low rumble of a V8 was heard entering the garage. A black 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28. The driver opened the door hurriedly as if he seen a ghost. He had spiked black hair and wore a white shirt and shorts.

"Hey, Max, what's wrong," Shaw asked.

"Guys, I've found something out of this world!!" The teen started yelling hysterically.

"Max, calm down. What do you mean?" Chichi asked the spiked haired calmly.

"I found this rock and it did weird stuff!! And.... and...." He stammered.

The group then noticed something glowing in his car's passenger seat and it got them scared. It was a weird green glow.

"Max, what's that in your car?" Bryan pointed at his Camaro. Max then went in and took the glowing tablet.

The group: "What the hell....."

"It told me I needed to protect it from someone! I don't know?? A voice just said it." Max blurted out placing the rock on the table.

"I have to protect it....."

"Max??" Chika said frightened.


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