Episode Seventeen (Clip Two)

167 6 65

----('Speed Lover' starts playing)----

The two racers revved their engines, competing for the loudest revs. Ryoichi glanced at JL from the window. The blue hair had his head fixed onto the road in front of them.

"This is it! Time to execute my perfect plan on SPEED!!!" The golden blonde thought as he released the handbrake. "I haven't felt this excited in years!!"

"Show me what you got GT-R!!"

"私はカウントダウンを開始するつもりです! Watashi wa kauntodaun o kaishi suru tsumoridesu (I'm starting the countdown!)" The lead bodyguard announced as he raised his left arm in the air.

"五!!! Go (Five!!)"

"四!! Yong (Four!!)"

"三!! San (Three!!)"

"二!! Ni (Two!!)"

"一!! Ichi (One!!)"


*beat drops*

JL and Ryoichi stomped the gas pedal. The Koenigsegg did a little wheel spin due to it's high power. But the GT-R launched perfectly thanks to it's ATTESA E-TS All-wheel drive system.

JL clutched and shifted into second as the GT-R accelerated, it's turbo roaring but the red Koenigsegg pulled away immediately, overtaking the Skyline R34. The insane 800 horses showed it's worth at the first straights making JL to grunt uncomfortably.

"HOLY CRAP THAT'S FAST!!" Joel exclaimed as the Koenigsegg pulled away.

"That's the advantage of that much power under the hood." Marcus explained. "I'll never seen the GT-R getting beaten so easily in a straight line before."

"Until now."

"Such speed...." JL told himself. "If this keeps up I'll be way behind with a 10 second gap!!"

"But this race has just started!" He said as he clutched swiftly and shifted gears. The speedometer rose to 180 kilometers per hour!!

Ryoichi grind widely as the twin turbo V8 engine of his Agera R whirred loudly. His foot flattered on the gas and his fingers pushed the shift pedals.

The Koenigsegg was moving into the first corner at the fastest speed any Toge gate racer has ever went. Ryoichi stomped the brakes as the calipers held the brake discs instantly, the disc so hot that it almost produced an inferno.

The spectators behind guardrail began to flee in fear as they saw the Agera coming into the corner at an impossible speed.

The Koenigsegg slowed immediately and turned. Sliding a little before it passed the corner swiftly. The crowd dropped they jaws, amazed by the hypercar's corning speed.

"That was insane!!!" A spectator exclaimed.

Soon after it was JL's turn. The R34 showed, souring into the corner after the Koenigsegg.

"There's the GT-R!!"

JL eyes sharpen as he downshifted twice and braked before yanking the handbrake. The tyres of the GT-R squealed as it turned into the corner. The blue hair counter steering and keeping his foot on the pedal the whole corner.

The corner came, a left U-bend. The red Koenigsegg braked as it's taillights flashed into the night before it came gripping around the corner at full throttle.

The GT-Rs turbo behind let out a high pitched hissing before the sound of the thundering misfiring system was heard.


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