Episode Twenty Six (Clip Three)

55 5 5

(Unknown location)

Katie stood there in shock and disbelief. It was as if she went back in time and looked into a mirror. The young Katie was smiling before she turned and ran.

The blue hair followed after her. "Wait up! Don't leave me alone!" She demanded frantically following the little herself.



*Glass shattering*

The blue hair stopped froze in her step. In front of her, the most horrible thing that ever happened in her life was occurring again as if she was like revisiting her memory in a VR.

But it was so surreal. It was the same junction in New York, the same reckless driver in a red 90 Mustang Fox body and the same Chevy Silverado Katie's dad owned.

Only thing different was that Katie wasn't in the pick up truck with her parents but she was among the crowd of bystanders watching anxiously at the sidelines. Katie had the best or should I say worst view of the action. Front row center.

In the mangled chassis of the Silverado. The ten year old Katie tried to climb out with her remaining strength. Messy black hair and blood oozing from her forehead.

Katie tired to help, but the yellow police tape stopped her.

Little Katie crawled to the window, ignoring the sharp pieces of glass in the floor beneath and grunting if it penetrated her skin.

"SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!!! The light blue hair yelled at the crowd around her seeing that there were no emergency vehicles at all.

She then turned and grabbed the closes person she could find. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STANDING AROUND HERE FOR??!!!!"

The man looked at her with emotional cool eyes. Dry lips ready to reply.

"Why help someone who will soon betray Mankind?"

The sentence stock Katie in the heart as she let go of the man and backed of a few steps. Images of her berserk ways coming back to her in sudden foggy flashbacks.

Her FD banging her S15 opponent forcefully on the back bumper forcing it into a spin. Another pushing her blue BRZ opponent off a small cliff which made it crash into the ravine below seriously injuring the driver.

Katie watched her past actions all in third person. Most racers she faced had scars, injuries they'll remember their entire lives.

"No no......" The blue hair girl covered both her ears because she didn't wanted to hear the screams of her victims.

"Please stop...."

(Next clip)

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