Episode Eight (Clip Three)

89 8 13

----('Mikado' starts playing)----

Louis: "If you can't beat them by going against their strength, then beat them by using what your capable of as your strength against them."

"Both Xiao Lin and Huang's strength are the corners, their light weight MX-5 makes it impossible for tyre traction to wear out, therefore they can do as many power overs as they want."

"And I was dumb enough to think that I could beat them by using their own strength against them!"

"Now I get what you meant Louis! I have to use my on strength against them!!"

The red hair's Supra was heading into the next hairpin.

"If I can't beat Xiao Lin at the corners then I just have to give up the fight. Instead, lower my speed and get ready to punch the gas quicker after each hairpin curve."

"That way I'll increase my time on hitting on the accelerator. Because my strength is--"

The gray Supra entered the corner, Prayter barely counter steering into the curve. When the exit came he slammed on the gas and blurred away.


The Supra pulled away by a fraction, shocking both siblings behind.

"He's getting away!" Huang told his sister.

"Not for long!!" She pedal brake drifted into the next hairpin at an insane speed of 240km/h!!

However, the Supra seemed to pull away slowly after the exit of each corner.

"How the hell did he get that accelaration?!" The hazelnut hair asked as the Supra began to pull.

Now, Xiao Lin was getting really pissed. She clutched and downshifted into a corner. Understeering quickly and catching with the JZA80.

Prayter only downshifted lowering his speed and then slamming the gas after each corner. His powerful twin turbo 2JZ engine packed with 350 horses let out a deafening roar as it fly past on the straights.

The staff members stationed at the straightaway yelled into radio. "The Supra is pulling away!! The Miata can't keep up on the corners anymore."

Louis smiled. "He finally understood what I told him."

"That his strength is found in the power of his car."

The Supra flew past another hairpin, the crowd 'whoa'ed' as it drifted away. The Miata was having trouble catching up, Lin desperately stepped on the gas but the Supra was fading away. Both cars reached the middle of the course, the long straightaway has begun.

"Not only he's fast in the straights but he's also exiting the corners at a faster pace." Huang got frustrated. "The only thing that is keeping us from losing is the huge GT wing we have installed at the back of the Roadster that reduces drag."

The Miata stayed on the JZA80's bumper the whole way. Prayter clutched and shifted into fifth gear. The Supra began to pulled away a little.

"The next coming U hairpin will be our only shot to get closer to Prayter. Otherwise, his Supra is just gonna widen the gap a while lot more at the next straightaway."

The corner came, a tight left hairpin. Prayter in the lead slammed his brakes in shock. He went in too fast!"

Huang: "GO! LIN GO!!!!"

The blonde hair 14 year old downshifted and got ready to brake. But the JZA80 stopped without warning and she was forced to slam the brake pedal as well. Both cars braked late into the hairpin. However, Prayter got the upper hand of a more powerful car and widen the gap by accident because of his weakness, early braking!!!

"NO THIS IS NOT IT ENDS!!!" Xiao Lin emitted her aura. A gray-ish light surrounded the Roadster as it accelerated at a speed of 270km/h down the mountain.

Prayter saw the Miata getting closer. "Their closing in, I don't think I should hold back anymore. After this straight there'll be more hairpins."

"Then might as well I show them my true power!"

"I'm sorry Swift." That was the name he gave to his Supra. "I finally realize our strength now!" He got ready to press his nitro triggers.


The red hair pushed the triggers and turned his twin turbo JZA80 Supra into a rocket. He exited 300km/h and left the Roadster in the dust.

The Supra let out a bright gray aura of a lesser panda, a native animal of southwest China.

"如此美丽~.... Rúcǐ měilì (So beautiful~....)" Xiao Lin stared at the red hair's aura as she cooled down into her usual self.

She smiled. "But the battle isn't over yet!" The Roadster speeded up. The straights ended as the final consecutive hairpins came. Prayter had a 10 second lead but can he hold it?

The red hair downshifts into a corner from fourth to third gear causing the drive wheels to lock momentarily. He swinged the heavy chassis of his Supra around the tight turn. Using the shift lock technique to replace braking into tight corners.

Behind Xiao Lin slammed the brake pedal, the brake disc of her front tyres glowed red as she did a great braking drift around the hairpin though she was 10 seconds behind.

"Closer, just a little bit closer~...." Xiao Lin never took her eyes off the Supra in front of her. She did a power slide and shortened the gap by 5 seconds. The Roaster was closing in!

She elegantly drifted through the corners having to know and experience the course better than Prayter.

The Supra drifted into a tight hairpin. Xiao Lin followed behind.


She downshifted and braked at the perfect moment, stealing the inside of the corner.

Prayter immediately sensed it and blocked the lane. "What a move!!!"

"One more time~." The blonde said. "And I'll end this on the first run~."

At the final hairpin, the staffs and spectators can't stop getting the chills when they saw both cars coming into the turn.

Xiao Lin made her move and took the left space beside the Supra that was unprotected. Both cars side by side!!!

"Their coming into the turn neck to neck!!!" The staff yelled into his radio. "After this hairpin there's a long straight. Whoever leads after the corner will take it all!!"

Louis' team and Zhong watched the live stream of the race film by a spectator anticipatedly. Who would take the lead after the corner?

Suddenly, coming from the opposite direction, a jeep turned into the inside lane and was shocked to see two cars coming towards him.

"THEIR GONNA CRASH!!!" The crowd yelled.

Prayter out of instinct braked and let Xiao Lin to take the outside lane. She understood in a flash and steered into the outside lane merely avoiding crashing into the jeep and slided into the hairpin.

"Damn we went in too quickly!!" Huang yelled seeing his sister understeering.

But Prayter perfectly downshifted and braked at the exact time. His Supra took the inside line and overtook the Miata mid-drift.

The crowd: "UNBELIEVABLE!!!!"

Both cars exited the corner. Prayter crossed the finish line with a 5 second gap.

(Music fades)

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