Episode Fifteen (Clip One)

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(3 years ago......)

A metallic red V35 Skyline flew past the highways of the Kobe area at night. 16-year-old Joel grinned as he zoomed past other slower cars and trucks on his way.

"Man this of awesome!!" He exclaimed. Although he was only travelling at 180km/h, it felt like he was souring through the freeway at formula one speed.

The racer's kick hit Joel in the face. He loved the feeling of the adrenaline rush pumping in his veins.

"I love this feeling!! It's the best ever!" The brown hair said as he shifted into high gear. "I just have to train hard and let them see what I'm capable of!"

"I don't care anymore if my V35 Skyline looks like as if it's a casual car. Cause in a race it's technique that really matters!"

"Let 'em trash talk all they want, cause they'll be eating their words when I beat them!"

"We're gonna be the fastest fire element in the Elemental Drifters!!" He demanded. "Right Scorch?"

"Right back at you!" His partner agreed as they flew down the highway.
Episode Fifteen ~ A Heart of a Pianist and a Soul of a Racer 🎹🏁

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