Episode Thirteen (Clip One)

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(10 years ago.....)

The theater was quiet and dark. Only sounds of harmonic piano notes was played by a grand classic wood brown YAMAHA piano.

The audience was listening to the most beautiful notes that could ever be played from a young boy who was still in elementary school. And there was 8 year old Joel playing the piano.

The brown hair pushed the keys on the instrument with grace. He spend hours to memorize the song and to get it right. It all paid off as it was burned into his mind.

There was a familiar young blonde haired girl who sat on one of the row of seats, front row center. Young Rachel was amazed to see her best friend perform such a musical piece that gotten everyone's attention.

Joel started sweating a little but he kept on playing despite the heat he felt. Each note was pushed in sequence and at presence timing. His performance was flawless.
(20km away, At The Federal highway......)

Joel's parents, Mrs and Mr. Starburst was seen quarreling on a topic to let Joel focus more on his studies or the piano in their black Toyota Camry sedan as it flew down the freeway.

Joel continued to impress the crowd with his skills, not stopping for anything. He kept himself calm as he pushed the piano keys.

A group of drunks were seen partying in their leaf green Perodua Myvi hatchback. Loud music filled the car and golden liquid from their canned beers splashed onto the seats as they had their mini party on the highway. Their hatchback was also seen driving in zig zags along the highway dangerously.

Joel's performance was starting to get aggressive as the audience noticed. His emotions were playing with him as he's remembers his parents constantly being angry with each other and fighting. His father had high expectations on his academics while his mom was too focus on his musical skills. None of his parents ever paid attention to the brown hair.

The stress was just too great that Joel wanted to let it all out on his play.

After a series of yelling at his wife, Mr. Starburst finally looked in front of him and saw the Myvi hatchback swirling in front of him. He widens his eyes in shock.

Joel grinned his teeth in anger. He love playing the piano but he didn't like being forced into playing in front of an audience. His parents never understood him. He never felt the love.

Rachel was getting worried upon seeing the aggressiveness of her best friend's play. She wondered what made him did this.

Mr. Starburst tried to avoid the dangerous Myvi but he was too slow.

*tyres squealing*


*glass shattering*

Joel gasped for breath, he had just finished his play as the audience applauded for him.

"And that's another amazing performance from 9 year old, Joel Starburst, the youngest pianist tonight so far!" The loudspeakers announced.

However, the noise from the crowd were in fades for Joel. He felt like there was a hole in his heart, a bitter feeling. It was out of instinct that he felt that way.

He was able to hear the applause from the audience again a second later who stood from their seats and clapping for the brown hair boy. Rachel was also seen happily cheering for her best friend.

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