Episode Twenty One (Clip Four)

68 4 16

----('Spark in the dark' starts playing)----

Both cars zoomed out of the hairpin at an amazing speed. Louis was pressured to the bone. It was like he was chased down by some white demon going at 330 kilometers per hour. He couldn't escape.

(Back at the summit)

The team listened to the walkie talkie and watched the stream in anticipation. Waiting for something to happen.

"*static* The i8 and FC is closing into the corner where at! Their coming in hot!! *static*" The team heard from the radio and glanced at the Arial footage of the race through the stream.

"Come on Louis " Joel grew worried.

Louis downshifted and flew into a left L-corner. "This is where the course starts getting narrow." He thought.

The road now was about a car length only. Sliding now would be a problem due to the limited space and unpredictable sharp bends.

Louis let the throttle fly before pushing the shift pedals twice downshifting and then yanking the E-brakes into a hairpin, drifting around the corner.

He took the inside line, blocking the entire road with his i8 chassis. Thinking that Thomas would have no space to pass him.

"Now." The headlights off the FC vanished into the darkness. Louis now driving blindly of his opponent.

He only realized it when he glanced at the rear view mirror for a split second but only saw pitch darkness. No FC but nothing.

"What the hell??" He widen his eyes upon entering a corner.


(Beat drops)

The FC appeared beside Louis in slow motion as Louis was caught by surprise.

The team: "LOUIS GOT PASSED!!"

Thomas pulled it off by going into the corner and then moved his front tyres out of the asphalt and into the grass on the inside of the curve which granted him some room to cut through Louis' racing line instantly, breaking his rhythm.

"All too easy." The FC passed Louis fully and was taking the lead.

"Damn he took the inside?!" Louis questioned in shock.

The crowd grew crazy upon seeing the FC overtaking the BMW i8 easily. Thomas was now in the lead and Louis chasing.

"*static* Louis Flash was overtaken! The Light has been overtaken! The FC came from the inside and took the lead! I don't believe it!*static*" The radio blared excitingly as the fans of the Drift King shouted in excitement. However, in the other corner, supporters of The Order grew silent in shock.

"How could Louis get pass from the inside??" Marcus whined.

"Looks like he's gotta play chaser now." Rhys said.

A next tight hairpin closed in, Thomas pressed the clutch, downshifted and yanked the handbrakes, brake drifting into the corner counter steering.

Behind, Louis could see his FC blurring from the speed of his drift. He tired to keep up doing power overs but the blue comet of Kobushi kept his distance by perfectly executing super drifts around the bends.

The Elemental Drifters: Second Stage (2018 Edition)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz