Episode Twenty (Clip Three)

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(The final day.....)

Louis followed Takeshi into the garden at the morning of the final day. Louis was curious and thought the master would wanted him to train on something stupid.

"So we're not doing any trimming bonsai trees or meditating or catching files with chopsticks?" Louis questioned annoyingly that made Takeshi sigh.

"No grasshopper." He replied. "Like I said, I want to show you something."

They arrived at a large wooden hut which was old. Takeshi then took a key to remove the lock and opened the large wooden door aside.

"So what you wanna--" Louis trailed as he was left speechless at the sight. "Holy twin turbos."

"I know." Takeshi said, stroking the white paint job of the AE86 panda Trueno.

"There's so much I wanna ask about this car." Louis claimed. "The ultimate champion in Touge racing."

"Do you know about her previous owner." Takeshi asked as Louis nodded still a little shock.

"He was a legend, having the longest winning streak of all street racers in Japan back at 98 at an age of just 19 years old! They say he gotten so good cause he drove his 86 every morning up and down the mountain in gunma to deliver tofu to the hotel in the summit." Louis told his story excitingly.

"But I thought her engine blew up." The hoodie turned to his master. "Back in 1999?"

"Yeah, but my old friend Kaito was able to bring her back to life even though she was deemed to be beyond of repair." Takeshi claimed.

"Wait, then why not return her to the original owner?" Louis asked as he cross his arms.

"Well, we couldn't find the guy anymore so I decided to keep it in here, collecting dust." The old man paused his he looked around his garage. "....until my next student arrives."

"Me?" Louis pointed at himself as Takeshi nodded slowly.

"I'm gonna use it tonight, so for now we shall wait for the sun to go down." The master announced as he went out with Louis and shut the wooden door of the garage.

So they took the day off, resting and meditating until the sun came down and that's were master and student went into their respective cars and drove to a location.

Louis wasn't sure of it but he seemed to trust Takeshi more than before. After exiting the highway they drove uphill onto a mountain road.

Takeshi stopped at the summit and came out of his 86. Louis came afterwards in his BMW i8.

Takeshi then looked up at teen coming out from his i8 and said. "Alright grasshopper, this is your final test. I want you not to pass me but to be able to keep up. And if you manage to stay in my rearview the whole time then you've complete your training."

"The reason I chose this pass is because these mountain roads have no guardrail and that's why this mountain, Mount Tsukuba, is nicknamed 'The Widow pass'. But other than the dangers it's also the most skilled." Takeshi explained. "So shall we began?" The old man then got in his AE86 as Louis followed suit and followed the man downhill.

The first corners were already deadly. Louis struggled to keep up the power drift while conserving his tyres due to his all wheel drivetrain.

Takeshi turned his 86 naturally and did an insane understeering drift across the hairpin. The old man had surprising skills that shocked Louis.

"This is it."

Louis soon started to feel in harmony with his mind and drifted like Takeshi. Matching his master's line, speed and technique. Louis was getting faster, his inner seed growing in him.

"My last training battle before the Last Guardian."

They parallel drifted into a left guardrail-less hairpin. Now was Takeshi's turn to feel shock.

"I understand my mistake at first, being arrogant, reckless......"

Louis downshifted swiftly using his shift pedals. His tyres started slipping naturally across the pavement into a power drift.

"But now I understand the power of my mind, this power kept away from me. My racing seed."

Takeshi noticed the BMW's bright modern headlights flashing behind him. "Good job for keeping up with me this whole time grasshopper. You're almost done with your training."

"But are you ready for the ultimate test?" The old man then flicked his steering into a hairpin. The AE86 arc drifting into the toughest corner yet. Tyres squealing behind.

Louis followed his master using the same racing line into the corner.

"Ready Mercy?" He asked his partner. "Let's show him how powerful we are when my racing seed combines with elemental power!"

"Let do it Louis!" Mercy replied

Louis and his i8 then emitted his bright aura as it lighted the pitch black night sky of the mountain.

"Let's go Mercy!" Louis told his partner.


Takeshi glanced at his rearview and let out a rare grind. The i8 drifting behind him, almost identical to his drift.


The 86 drifted into another corner as the BMW followed smoothly without causing any tyre wear.

"You were like a lone Wolf at first, rejecting to follow my advice and training methods."

Louis shifted and kept up with Takeshi's bumper on the straightaways. He broke a smile, having much fun while chasing after his master.

"But now you know how to keep in harmony with yourself and to use the power of your racing seed."

The two cars parallel drifted so close and fast, they were exiting 300km/h in that drift alone.

"Like a true leader of the pack. I'm glad to have you as a student Louis."

"You can now go race my previous student......"

"The King of Drifting."

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