Episode Eighteen (Clip Three)

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----('Night of Fire' starts playing)----

The rain started pouring on the course. Water was covering Ryoichi's windshield as he frown in frustration.

"Rain. Why can't you wait until the end of the race till you fall?!" He mumbled angrily. "My tyres are exhausted from all that braking and I still got a few more hairpins to go." He thought to himself as he slammed the brakes into another hairpin. The calipers screamed as it held the brake disc tightly.

Ryoichi turned his car into the hairpin. Gripping the whole way as he placed his foot in the throttle upon exit. The Agera Rs V8 screaming away.

The next hairpin came, the Yakuza heir counter steered. The Agera R turning a little off Ryoichi's preferred line due to the tyres wearing off.

"He he he, but that Skyline is definitely way at the back if me. All I have to is clear these annoying hairpins and then I'll be........."

The repeatedly flashes on Ryoichi's rear view mirror shock his thoughts halfway.

"No! It can't be!!" Ryoichi cried as he glanced at his side view mirrors and saw the R34s powerful headlights tailgating behind. 


He furiously pushed the gas and speeded away. But then he needed to brake a few seconds later to clear a hairpin.

JL: *sharpen his eyes*

(Beat drops)

The dark blue hair downshifted and flicked the steering wheel. He then pulled the handbrake and stepped on the gas so hard to slide his R34 sideways out of the corner and perfectly executing a ultra drift with water skidding out from his rear tyres.

"Crap!!" Ryoichi sneered as the R34 was closing in. He then attacked another corner by entering from the inside and then exiting from the outside line, trying desperately to shake his GT-R opponent as they went downhill.

JL continued to attack the corners with great entry and exit speed. The Skyline GT-R braked drifted into a corner and recovered. Then a tight hairpin was closing in. JL stepped on the brake, cutting his speed and then yanking the E-brakes as he attacked the corner drifting, he was successfully able to chew at the bright red Koenigsegg's bumper.

"Damn, the rain isn't making things any better for me either. I can slide uncontrollably at any time due to these wet conditions." The Yakuza heir thought as his Koenigsegg did a little wheelspin upon exiting a curve due to the wet surface of the road. "But in just one more corner and I'm done with this stupid section and onto high speed one!! That's where I'll dominate you R34!!!"

The Koenigsegg slowed and took off around the last hairpin. Zooming off into the straights. Behind the R34 braked as it's anti lag system roared and performed an arc drift around the hairpin.

JL stomped the gas pedal as soon as he came out of the corner behind the Agera R. The R34 souring behind it. 

"The high speed section started!" JL exclaimed in his thoughts. "Come on Dax, let's win this!!!"

"Yeah!!" The R34 agreed as it accelerated after a roar of the misfiring system. Both cars flew down the mountain at breakneck speeds as the rainwater fell on them. 

Ryoichi glanced at his rear view mirror. "Is that all the so called 'Godzilla' has got?! HERE'S HOW A REAL PERFORMANCE CAR TEAR DOWN THESE STRAIGHTS!!!"

The candy red Koenigsegg Agera R was going at speeds JL had never seen. Ryoichi was constantly pressing the gas at it's full potential as the pistons of the Swedish engine pounded hard back and forth as Yoshi raged out. Soaring down the mountain at a shocking speed of 330km/h!! JL watched and struggled to stay ahead as the hypercar began to leave his GT-R behind.

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