Episode Twenty Six (Clip Two)

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(The Brazilian canyons, near Rio De Janeiro)

----('Jungle Fever' starts playing)----

"I'm starting the next countdown!!!" A Portuguese dude announced lifting his hand high. Both racers are now required to a downhill battle from the top of the canyon.


"He's outstanding," Dino thought. "Able to adapt to the terrain as if he was back at his own home course."


"It must be his father genes, Rally runs in his vains." The white hair revved his boxer engine. "Then guess I'll have to alter my stategy a little."


"I'm able to keep up with him, which is good." JL said releasing the handbrake, his Lan-Evo now chasing.


"And now for some chasing!!"

"Um....(One!)  GO!!!!!"

Both drivers pushed the clutch launched perfectly. They immediately disappeared into the dark mountains roads in a split second only leaving engine revs and tyre squeals behind. 

 "There they go!!" Dave the golden blonde hair said. "It's time for their second run!"  

Clint eyed at the Evo 8 carefully before it disappeared. 

"Somethings about to go down." He predicted.

The two cars flew down the narrow Brazilian canyons, drifting into the first few corners with style. They braked hard and downshifted upon each corner before flooring it into the straights. 

The twin turbos on Dino's STI hissed as the white hair floored the gas. His boost meter rising up to it's max.

The Impreza's yellow tail whipped across a left guardrail-less hairpin. The Lan-Evo following behind swiftly, kicking dirt and mud everywhere. JL counter-steering as his technique laid on his mind, guiding him through the course.

"It's astonishing that you can keep up with me on a unknown pass and being your first time on this difficult terrain." Dino observed the Evo 8 tailgating behind him. 

"But will you be ready for this?"

The STI made an unexpected spurt towards the next hairpin. A sharp narrow right turn with a ravine on the bottom. JL widen his eyes, thinking.

"What the---?! Doesn't he realize there's a small hill of dirt right in front of the corner?!"

Dino then ripped the handbrakes to stall the rear tyres pulling his Impreza into a skid. He counter steered into the corner and used the dirt hill as a ramp to launch his STI into the air. The Subaru then landed on the ground drifting into the corner gracefully as JL followed behind gripping.

"Amazing! That Subaru just performed a jump drift into the next hairpin!!!" A bystander exclaimed as the cars disappeared into the darkness.

JL felt his jaw clench, Dino's drifts were fast. Changing gears letting the throttle fly and let his rear tyre skid, the blue hair slid into an understeering drift around the next curve. His tyres rustling on the dirt below.

"Damn!! I went full throttle on that corner and I still can't keep up!" JL exclaimed. "How can he accelerate that quickly?!" He then floored the gas trying to keep up Dino's bumper.

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