67: Keep It In

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Alex POV

"Are you sure this is the right way Niall?" It seemed like we were walking a lot fourther than we did when we were going to the fire pit with group.

"I'm sure Alex don't get to freaked out." I exhaled and kept walking where Niall assumed the tents were.

"If we get killed by some crazy animal then I'm blaming you Niall."

"What did I just say about freaking out Alex."

"Fine." We kept walking and my feet started to hurt.

"Are we almost there?" I asked him I hated walking more then anything I'm not a nature person. "You are acting like a 5 year old Alex." I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed a little and kept walking.

We finally got to the campsite. "Where is your gutiar case?" I asked while we walked in the middle of the campsite. "In my tent wait here." Like I would go anywhere else alone.

Niall walked into the last set of tents to get his gutiar. I sat down on the log infront of mine and Danielle's tent.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw the time 10 o'clock I don't understand why I brought my phone there is no reception here so there is no point.

Niall walked out of the tent and over to me. "You ready?" I nodded brushed the dirt off my pants.

"See you had nothing to worry about Harry isn't even here by the look of it." I looked around the campsite. He was right. where could he have gone?

It doesn't even seem that Harry is here. "wait one minute." I walked away from Niall and over to Harry's tent. No one was in there but Harry's stuff is still here. Thats strange.

'Harry isn't even here." I said and walked over to Niall. "He could have decided he wanted to go to the bombfire.

"Yah maybe." Niall grabbed his gutair from the ground and we walked over to where everyone was. "How many more days do we have to stay here again?" I asked niall.

"We got here a few hours ago Alex so 3 more day." I groaned and kept walking. "Its not going to be that bad Alex." I gave him a look. "Yah it is everyone is not happy to be on this camping trip other then you."

we walked in silence the rest of the time. Once we got there Mike and his group were on one side and Liam and the rest were on the other side. "I goes this whole thing wasnt going the way it was meant to go.

"Finally you guys are back." Mike stood up and walked over to Niall. "Why don't you start playing now."

"I thought we were suppose to play games first." I aked him.

"Well look who decided to listen to me for once." I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Niall. "I'm going to get setup." Niall walked away just leaving Mike and I.

Mike smiled at me while I walked away from him as soon as possible. I went over to Zayn who was not doing anything just looking at nothing. "Hey Zayn." He looked up at me. "Hey." He said not really interested in talking.

I sat down and next to him. "Do you know where Harry is?" Maybe Harry came over here or something because he wasn't at the tents.

"Yah I think he and Louis were by the tress or something?" "He and Louis?"

"Do you know why?" Zayn just took out his phone scrolling through the pages "Nope." I guess he was really not in the mood to talk.

At that I got up and just walked away from him. I looked over to where the tresses started to get more thicker. Should i go over to where Zayn said louis and Harry were or should i just stay here where everyone else is.

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