Ch: 15 Only friends

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Alex POV  

I woke up with light beeping coming from the bed side table. I opened my eyes and found myself in Liam's guest room. I got off the bed and turned my phone off. I need to head over to my dorm and get clothes for class that starts in an hour. I grabbed my clothes that were on the chair in the corner and changed out of Liam's clothes he lend me and put my on.

I walked out of the room and headed to the living room. I saw Liam eating an apple on the counter. I walked over and sat down next to him. "Good morning did you have a nice sleep." "Yup it was perfect thank you again for letting me spend the night." "Alex you can spend the night when ever you want it does matter to me." I smiled at him and reached over for a fruit in the bowl. I grabbed the pear and sat back down straight. "Class starts in an hour and I know you want to take a shower and change into something else so we should be heading out." I got off my chair. "Ok lets go." Liam got off the chair and grabbed in backpack from the ground. "Did you finish the essay for class?" Liam asked

while we were heading out of the door. "Ya I had to rewrite it but I think the second time made more sense then the first one." "What happened to the first one." I took a deep wanting to forget what Louis did to my first essay. "Louis deleted it off my computer." "Why would he do that." "It was on my computer screen and I was going to print it off once I got out of the shower but when I got back Louis was on my computer and I didn't save it." I whispered the last part to myself. "Well he had no right to go on your computer." Thank you I'm happy someone actually understands "And why was he in you room anyway." "Perrie gave all the guys a key to her dorm so they always come in and out when ever they please." We got into the car and Liam sat his stuff in the back.

"You should tell Perrie to get those keys back from the guys cause your living there now also." I nodded at him. "Ya I did but I don't know if she will listen to me its her friends." "But its your room you get a say in this Alex if you don't want them in your room tell her to get those keys back." Liam has appoint its my room to I did already tell her to get those keys back but the next time I see one of the guys in our dorm alone then I will tell them again about the keys. "Ok I will." I said to Liam. Liam was driving back to the dorms we were a minute away. My phone started to buzz on my lap. I picked it up. "Hello?" "Where are you?" It was Perrie. "I was at Liam's like I told yesterday I would be at." "You really did it didn't you." "what are you talk about." "Your dating the nerd." Liam stopped in front of the dorms.

I put my phone away from my ear not wanting to hear Perrie yelling at me from the other end. "Whose that?" He asked. "Perrie she's mad that I was at your house." "Why does she care." "Its stupid and it doesn't matter." Liam grabbed my phone out of my hands and ended the call. "thats better." I laughed at him. "I guess so." We both got of the car and we walked inside the dorms and to my room. I opened the door and saw Perrie. "Why the hell did you hang up on me." She said coming over to me. "It wasn't me." I defended myself.

She looked up at Liam he was pretty tall compared to her. "Did you guys do it or not." She said eyeing Liam. "What?" I yelled in shock. "Did you guys have sex just answer the question." "Why in the world would Alex and I have sex no offense. But" He said looking at me. I wasn't offended at all. "Because a girl and a guy can't be friends without having sex with one another at lease once." she said crossing her arms. "Have you had sex with any of your guy friends." I asked her. "Ya except for Zayn." She had sex with Harry my mind started to drift off. "Alex?" Liam said shaking me a little. I looked at him with his wide eyes. "Are you ok." I nodded at him. "Ya I'm fine."

He turned to face Perrie . "Alex and I will not be having sex were just friends." He said to her. she looked back and fourth between Liam and I. "Ok fine whatever but when you do don't say I didn't tell you." She grabbed her bag off the ground and headed of the room. "Well that's Perrie." I said to him. He looked down at me. "Aren't you suppose to get ready for class." My eyes widen I totally forgot. I ran to my closet and grabbed my clothes. "I will be right back stay here." he nodded at me and went to sit on my bed. "I'll be fast I promise." "Your wasting time Alex." "Right." I grabbed my clothes and a towel and ran out of the room and into the bathroom.  

Liam POV  

Alex just left to go in the bathroom. I was sitting on Alex's bed texting this girl I met in front of the apartment building a few days ago her name was Danielle. She was really nice and beautiful but she wouldn't go for a guy like me. I heard the door open. At first I thought it was Alex but she couldn't be done with her shower that fast. I looked up from my phone and saw Harry "why are you here?" I said to him trying to hold in my anger. "I should say the same thing to you." He said coming closer.

I got off my bed. I looked at Harry "I know what your doing so don't even try to get her." I walked closer to him "or what." I pushed him back getting a wave of confidence. Harry stumbled back then pushed me back "you better not fuck her and then break her heart I know you do that with all the girls but you better not do it to her!" I was so close to just punch him in the face. "What is going on here!" We both turned around and saw Alex by the door. 

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