Ch: 11 Stop the Flirting

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Alex POV  

I walked out of the room and headed to my class. I walked over to the biggest building on this campus and went inside. I was early so not a lot of people were here. I walked over to one of the seats and sat down. I put my head in my hands and tried to calm myself down. I can just go to the library after class and type it again. I did make an outline about what I was going to write about yesterday in class so I can follow that again. "Hey Alex."

I looked up and saw Liam sit down next to me. "Whats wrong." I put my head back in my hands. "Nothing just a little stressed out with everything but I'm fine." I pulled my hands away from my face to look at Liam.

"Do you want to talk about it."

"No its alright." he didn't say anything else about it.

"Do you want to come over to my house tonight."

"Don't you mean dorm." I asked him.

"No I didn't really like the dorms here so I bought an apartment just a few minutes away from the campus."

"Well if its off the campus then I would love to come over."

"Where are you going?" I closed my eyes and took in a breath.

I turned around to look at Niall. "Why do you care your not coming." I said to him.

"Are you still upset with what happened this morning." he asked sitting down next to me. great.

"Yes I am and I don't want you to sit next to me." I said to him.

"Well to bad cause i'm sitting here."


I turned back around to look a Liam. I'm just going to pretend Niall isn't here for the rest of the class. "I'll come over." "Great I'll pick you up at 5?" "And I promise once I get enough money I will get a car for my own so you won't have to drive me everywhere" "Its fine Alex I like driving you its fun." "Its fun." I heard Niall mock Liam behind me.

"Niall would you shut up." I said to him.

"Make me." He said in a flirty tone.

I glared at him and turned back around. "Ok today we are going to take notes so get your papers and pencils out." I grabbed my notebook from my backpack.

"Can I barrow paper." Niall whispered in my ear. What type of person doesn't bring paper to an English Lit. Class.

"If I give it to you would you stop talking to me for the rest of the class."

"Maybe you can just give me the paper or I will come into your dorm everyday for the rest of the year."

I groaned a little. and ripped up the paper out of the notebook and handed it to him.

"Thanks sweet cheeks." I rolled his name with that stupid nickname and started to copy what was written down.

A couple of hours passed and the class was finally over. Liam and I got out of my seats. "I have to go to my next class but I'll pick you up later." "Ok bye." I walked out of the class and headed to the library to restarted my essay. I walked into the library and saw a few people sitting down.

I walked to the computers and turned the monitor on and grabbed my binder and papers out of my backpack and placed it in front of me. I started to type my essay. I need to be done in 2 hours the most so I can get to my next class early.

I typed my essay again this time making it better then before. I heard my alarm go off from my phone. I turned a timer on just in cases I lost track of time. I turned the timer off. I read over my essay one more time and printed it out twice just in case something happens to the first one. I put the papers in my binder and put them away.

This essay better get an A I put to much time and stress into it. I walked out of the Library and went to my class that was all the way on the other side of the campus. While I was walking I heard my phone go off. I grabbed it from my bag and put it to my ear.


"Alex its Perrie." I rolled my eyes

. "What do you want Perrie."

"What are you doing."

"Going to class why did you call me." I asked her again.

"Niall told me you were going to that nerds house." That little.

"You can not go to his house you have potential to be some what cool here but you being friends with him will make you look bad."

"Perrie I don't care what people think of me ok Liam and I are friends and I need a friend."

"Are you sure he doesn't want to be anything more then friends."

"What?" Why am I even listening to her.

"Why did he invite you to his house."

"Because were friends."

"Or maybe he wants to be more then friends with you and the way that will happen is for you to go to his house. And then you will be a loser for sure and I can't be known as the one living with the nerd. I can't be known as that Alex I'm the cool one the one that everyone likes."

She was rambling on probably forgetting I was still on the other end. She is really over thinking this a lot.

"First of all Perrie calm down and secondly I'm going to Liam's house no matter what you say."

I hung up the phone. and walked into my class. I found a seat near the front like I usually do and waited for the teacher to come. 

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