Ch: 32 That wasn't suppose to happen

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Alex POV  

Yesterday I did something that I thought would never happen. I became friends with Harry.  I was laying on my bed with the him right now watching the movie I really wanted to finish. I was suppose to meet up with Perrie but when I was about to leave Harry showed up and I thought about the point of being someone's friend is to hangout with them. "Why can't he just say that he loves her and be on with the story." "Because that would be a boring story Harry." He exhaled I guess he doesn't like romance movies. "So where are you going for winter break."

I paused the movie and looked at him "I'm probably going to be staying here. My friends from my other collage are flying out." "You have friends." He said in a cheeky voice. I pushed him a little. "Your so funny. What about you." "Going to my moms house and my sisters is going to be there too so." I guess Harry is not the family type of guy. I would do anything to be with my parents again. "Alex you ok." I looked at him. "Ya i'm fine." I clicked the play button on the computer.

I hope I have a better Christmas this year last year it consisted on eating at the dinning room table quietly with Aunt Jackie and giving each other presents. I got some clothes the limit of money we could spend was 20 dollars because we didn't have a lot of money. The funeral and everything was a lot to pay for. "Alex." "What?" "Are you sure your ok." Harry looked a little worried. "I'm fine I'm probably tired that's all." "Do you want me to leave and let you sleep." "No You can stay." He smiled at me and layed back on the bed. We were about half way in when the door opened. We looked up and saw Perrie and Niall at the door. "So this is what you ditched me for to hangout with Harry." Perrie crossed her arms. "Perrie nothing happen we were just watching a movie that's all." "Mhmm so you guys were just sharing a bed doing nothing."

I looked up at Harry looking for help. "Perrie nothing happened." Harry got of the bed. I felt myself getting cold and wanting Harry's warmth back. "I thought you told Harry you didn't want him in your room anymore." Perrie was walking around the room and Niall and Harry were talking like everything is normal. I really don't understand boys at all. "Me and Harry are friends." "and friends sleep together." Perrie was now yelling. I can't stand her sometimes! "Fine if you want Harry and I to be together." I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out of the room.

I pulled him until we were in front of the building. I removed my hand and turned around to look at him. "I'm sorry I did that I was just so mad in there and I didn't know what to do and the only thing I could think about was taking you out and-." I was interrupted when I felt lips touch mine. I wrapped my hands around his neck. While Harrys hands pulled my closer to his body. I moved my hand down to his chest and pulled back. "What the hell friends don't do that!" I was pacing back and fourth. "Alex." "Why did we just do that oh my god." "ALEX." "Now Perrie and everyone else are going to find out and they are all going to hate me and probably you. "ALEX!" "WHAT!" "Everything is going to be alright." He walked in front of me. "No its not why would you do that. Why did you just kiss me!" "Because I wanted to and I kinda wanted you to stop talking."

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and called Liam. "Who are you calling?" "Liam." "Why." I turned around from him. "Liam can you pick me up." "Ya where are you?" "my dorm." "Ok I'll be there in 5 minutes." I turned my phone of and put it back in my pocket. "you're going to Liam's house." "Ya I don't want to go back in there with Perrie and I don't want to be near you right now." "Does this mean were not friends anymore?" "I just need to be alone right now." "Fine." Harry walked away from me. Next thing I heard was a car speed away. What was that. What did I just do, and why did I like it. 

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